Hugo who is known in New York as the next rising star, announces the release of his new hit single “8 or 9”, which is off his forth­com­ing EP.  I had the oppor­tun­ity to chop it up with the young artist about his new single, the inside scoop on his new EP, and his plan to become a chart topper!


MJ:  Before we get to what fans have been anti­cip­at­ing, let’s take it back a bit.  As a teen­ager you were quite the loc­al celebrity win­ning tal­ent con­tests and even cre­at­ing music in the stu­di­os. How did music first enter your life?  At what point did the epi­phany hit that this was not just a hobby to pass time?

Hugo: It’s always been a part of my life. I remem­ber as far back as 5 years old singing along to the radio and get­ting pos­it­ive feed­back from adults say­ing that I soun­ded good. In High School I real­ized I could pos­sibly do this as a career.

MJ: You have quite the unique style of singing and your voice crosses over into many genres of music.  Although that’s an incred­ible tal­ent, do you find it more chal­len­ging to be accep­ted into the world of Hip Hop and R&B?

Hugo: I think real fans of music across all genres will accept my style over­all. I’m from New York City where there are so many styles, cul­tures, and types of music. All of that con­trib­utes and reflects my own style.

MJ: Ideally in the music scene the main goal is to become a house­hold name, world­wide! What steps are you tak­ing to achieve that?  Do you think that ties in at all with being recept­ive to artist devel­op­ment and guid­ance from past music veterans?

Hugo: My main goal is to make great music, everything else is sec­ond­ary to me.

MJ: Ok let’s talk music! You have a hit single titled “8 or 9” which is off your forth­com­ing EP. Can you share some inside scoop about the EP, without giv­ing too much away?

Hugo: Without giv­ing too much away, it’s a sea of melody and eclecticism.

MJ: Now tell us about “8 or 9”, from the idea to the evolve­ment, to the final product.

Hugo: “8 or 9” pays homage to the late 90’s and early 2000’s of R&B. Ori­gin­ally that was my only idea but it evolved into a feel good sum­mer anthem.

MJ: Although still very early in your career, you have already worked with quite a few industry mix­ers. What major artists would you like to col­lab­or­ate with or share the stage with?

Hugo: I like the guys I work with now and I would enjoy to share the stage with them.

MJ:  Take us on stage with Hugo…Give us three words to describe your stage presence.

Hugo: elec­tri­fy­ing, hyp­not­iz­ing, and Oreos! (ha-ha)

MJ:  What is it about your style and flow that sep­ar­ates you from oth­er artists?

Hugo: I’m approach­able, humble, and hon­est. Every­one can relate to my music.

MJ: As we wrap up let’s give the fans a peak into your per­son­al side.  Where would you like to tour? Who’s in your per­son­al playl­ist? Who inspires Hugo?

Hugo: I would like to tour glob­ally on cruise ships as well as on air­planes… big ones like 747’s! But ser­i­ously I’m open to tour­ing all over the world one day, I haven’t seen most of it yet! My per­son­al playl­ist var­ies but a little sample would be Ryan Leslie, Sys­tem of a Down, The Car­penters, and MJ’s “Off the Wall” album.  As for inspir­a­tion that comes from my loved ones and their determ­in­a­tion to suc­ceed in a world where the odds are stacked against them.

MJ: Is there any­thing else you would like to share with the world?

Hugo: More of my music as that’s the best way I know how to express myself. It’s always been like that. You wouldn’t know how I was feel­ing if we shared a con­ver­sa­tion, but if you hear one of my songs you’d know exactly what’s going on with me.

MJ: Much con­tin­ued suc­cess your way, salute!

Hugo: Thanks MJ!

Listen to “8 or 9” below. 

Fol­low Hugo @hugo_sings



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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!