Film­maker Rein­aldo Mar­cus Green has proven his adept­ness in bio­graph­ic­al storytelling with suc­cesses like “King Richard,” which earned Will Smith his inaug­ur­al Oscar. Yet, delving into the nar­rat­ive of one of Jamaica’s most revered fig­ures in “Bob Mar­ley: One Love” presen­ted its own set of chal­lenges, giv­en Mar­ley’s extens­ive fan base with lofty expect­a­tions for his portrayal.

Thank­fully, Green enlis­ted the tal­ents of act­or Kings­ley Ben-Adir to embody Mar­ley dur­ing the pivotal years of 1976 to 1978, while Lashana Lynch  por­trays his equally icon­ic wife, Rita Mar­ley. The film chron­icles Mar­ley’s pin­nacle of fame in Jamaica, jux­ta­posed with the back­drop of polit­ic­al unrest that ulti­mately forces him to flee the coun­try fol­low­ing an assas­sin­a­tion attempt.

I am Hip-Hop Magazine’s Mas Law catches up with Rein­aldo Mar­cus Green, Kings­ley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch ahead of the highly anti­cip­ated release of one of the most icon­ic biop­ics ‘Bob Mar­ley: One Love’ (Out Feb­ru­ary 14th 2024)

Inter­view with Kings­ley Ben-Adir

Inter­view with Lashana Lynch 

Inter­view with Rein­aldo Mar­cus Green

Video edits by : Doni Brasco

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Mas Law

Artist/Producer hail­ing from NW Lon­don. Enig­mat­ic storyteller and End of the Weak Eng­land Organiser.

About Mas Law

Artist/Producer hailing from NW London. Enigmatic storyteller and End of the Weak England Organiser.