SINN, a seasoned 20 ‑year vet in the music industry, has an incred­ible story that cred­its to his rise to fame.  I had the oppor­tun­ity to link up with SINN to dis­cuss his story and truly embrace his jour­ney.


MJ: I want to begin by tak­ing read­ers way back to the early years of SINN.  when were you intro­duced to music?  Was there a cer­tain cir­cum­stance in your life that pulled you into music?

SINN: I was intro­duced to music at the age of 6.  My fam­ily had a stu­dio that I would sneak into and my moth­er would take me to church with her where I would enjoy the ser­mon and the choir.   What pulled me into music was the way music made people move, react, and feel.

MJ:  Share with us that moment in your life when you knew music was much more than just a pas­sion or hobby.

SINN: I would say after win­ning a few loc­al rap battles in high school. I sur­prised my school by per­form­ing a song I cre­ated in a tal­ent show and after see­ing the reac­tions for some­thing I cre­ated I knew God had blessed me with a gift. I also knew that when I could­n’t sleep without hear­ing beats and rhymes in my head at all times that I had to share what was in my head with the world.

MJ: Rid­ing also plays a sig­ni­fic­ant role in your life.  How does that life­style inter­twine with cre­at­ing music and your deliv­er­ance to fans?

SINN: I have cer­tain pas­sions in life which are Money, Music, and Motor­cycles.  When I am rid­ing my mind is free and clear to enjoy the beauty of life and its sur­round­ings and I become inspired by it.  I am part of the biker com­munity so I live the biker life­style.  I want the world to exper­i­ence it thru my eyes and feel the love and pas­sion that I have for it.

MJ:  Not many know that you have worked with many major artists such as Prince, Alicia Keys, Jay Z, and that’s just to name a few.  I’m sure those exper­i­ences were both reward­ing and know­ledge­able.  Tell us some key point­ers about the music busi­ness that you learned dur­ing those times. How would you say those exper­i­ences influ­enced the path of your own music career?

SINN: Yes, I was blessed to have been at the right places at the right time.  What I learned from them was to nev­er waste time because no mat­ter how much money you have you can nev­er buy time.  I learned that you have to stay focused and it takes time to make qual­ity and time­less music.

MJ: Let’s talk about your music! As a 20-year vet in the game I know you cre­ate time­less music and music that exceeds what’s hot right now or the latest trends. Describe your style and flow. What sep­ar­ates you from oth­ers artists?

SINN: My style and flow is ori­gin­al. I let the beat tell me how I am going to approach each and every song, so as the beat changes so does my flow. When people first hear my voice they say I sound like DMX, but with my own swag­ger. I am honored by that fact.

MJ: You have an extens­ive music cata­log all of which is avail­able on digit­al stream­ing plat­forms. Talk about your pro­gres­sion as an artist through­out the years.

SINN: My pro­gres­sion came about in a totally dif­fer­ent way than most. I focused on cre­at­ing the music and learn­ing the music busi­ness first.  I focused on pro­du­cing and engin­eer­ing, then mix­ing & mas­ter­ing oth­er artist’s song.  That lead me to ghost writ­ing songs for oth­er artists.  I decided to focus on build­ing a music­al leg­acy after my near death motor­cycle acci­dent. I went to vis­it my uncle in Pitt­s­burgh who was dying from can­cer, barely could speak with a tube in his throat…his last words were you need to put out this CD…One week later I was in Ohio rid­ing when my uncle past.  I was out rid­ing with my sis­ter when I was struck.  I woke up in traffic when I regained con­scious­ness and her first words to me were “It would be a shame for you to die with all that music inside you.” So I went to the hos­pit­al, healed up a bit, went home still band­aged up and began record­ing. I haven’t stopped since!

MJ:  Thank you for shar­ing that, this is your des­tiny! What is out now for fans and listen­ers to get their hands on? Also tell us about some upcom­ing pro­jects, col­lab­or­a­tions, or tours.

SINN: I have released 17 songs this year so they can exper­i­ence Ryder Music. As far as my pro­jects, col­lab­or­a­tions, and on my upcom­ing tour fans can stay up to date by log­ging on to

MJ:  Hip Hop…What does that mean to you? As an artist do you feel you con­trib­ute to the cul­ture of Hip Hop?

SINN: Hip Hop is a cul­ture, a lan­guage, and a life­style that we are involved in.  I would like to believe I give back to Hip Hop what it has giv­en to me, and that is a pur­pose and a drive as well as an aven­ue to deliv­er a mes­sage.

MJ: Before we wrap up let’s give fans a bet­ter feel on who SINN is.  Name 3 artists in your per­son­al playl­ist. What 3 places would you like to tour?  Who would you name as the most influ­en­tial person/being in your life?

SINN: The artist in my playl­ist are: Jay‑Z, 50 Cent, and The Tempta­tions.  Three places I would like to tour are: Japan, Africa, and Guam. The most influ­en­tial per­son in my life is my moth­er!  Her drive is an inspir­a­tion in itself.

MJ: Is there any­thing else you would like the world to know about SINN?

SINN: Always stay hungry for suc­cess but nev­er starve for atten­tion.

MJ: Thank you for tak­ing time out for the read­ers and fans. I wish you con­tin­ued suc­cess, salute!

SINN: Thank you and I am honored.


Listen to SINN below


Fol­low SINN

Fol­low MJ @MJsHipHopConnex


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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!