Fashionista Dance With Breakin’ Convention’s (@BConvention) @sarankohli !

Saran Kohli is a Lon­don-based cho­reo­graph­er and menswear styl­ist and design­er. Dance has been engraved into Saran’s DNA since the tender age of four watch­ing his idols Michael Jack­son, James Brown and Prab­hu Deva infus­ing his child­hood with melod­ic music and grooves.

At early age of 17 star­ted dance com­pany Snach ENT which provided plat­forms across the coun­try and inter­na­tion­ally in New York and India. A recent gradu­ate from Broad­way Dance Cen­ter where he was honored with the Out­stand­ing Stu­dent award for his con­cepts and cre­at­ive direction.

Being multi-cre­at­ive with hav­ing his own bespoke menswear label, Saran Kohli con­tin­ues under his com­pany to fuse the ele­ments of dance and sar­tori­al style cre­at­ing a chic blend of “Stree­t­or­i­al” flava to con­cepts and choreographies.

As a per­former Saran Kohli is part of 201 Dance Com­pany play­ing second lead in Andrea Walk­ers’ If You Leave pro­duc­tion and Lon­don’s top train­ing academy Com­pany 68.

I am Hip Hop catch up with Saran in time for the Breakin’ Con­ven­tion 2015 festival ! 

Q. What very first inspired you to get involved in dance?

Around the age of 4–5 I was glued to the MTV ( we talk­ing 80s and big box tele­vi­sion). I was fas­cin­ated by his per­form­ance and energy. I also absorbed a lot of Blues, Motown, Frank Sinatra and Soul music. My mom being a fash­ion design­er made Bil­lie Jean and Smooth Crim­in­al out­fits so I could re-live the MJ moment.

Q. How long have you been dan­cing now?

I have been in love with dance since I could walk or even in my diapers but pro­fes­sion­ally since age 14.

Q. What was your first step in mak­ing your dance aspir­a­tions a reality?

At age 14, I audi­tioned for fash­ion show being held as part of a 3 day exhib­i­tion. This is was my first ever audi­tion and they were only look­ing for mod­els. I had no clue what mod­el­ling was and why people just walked straight! I walked up and men­tioned I dance bet­ter then I walk and that nailed it.

But my true aspir­a­tion was when at age 17 setup dance com­pany “Snach” which opened doors for my cre­ativ­ity to flour­ish and being some­thing new on stage.

Q. Did you encounter many set­backs on the road to where you are now?

I am very for­tu­nate to have fam­ily sup­port how­ever my fash­ion job did slow me down after gradu­at­ing there­fore wasn’t able to enhance my craft or expand. How­ever after 4 year break, man­aged to get accep­ted at New York’s finest Broad­way Dance Centre.

Q. Who still inspires you?

Michael Jack­son still takes peak! How­ever I am a fan of Dance stars such as i.e. Keone & Mari, Ian East­wood, Adrien Rako, Prab­hu Deva, Neil Shwartz, Robert Taylor Jr and Car­los Neto.

Q. What are some of your biggest pro­jects or proudest achieve­ments to date?

Breakin Con­ven­tion does top the list as it is the first time a “Turbaned Sikh” will per­form a hip-hop inspired piece at an inter­na­tion­al fest­iv­al. Oth­er moments have been per­form­ing with Honey Singh’s America’s East Coast tour and per­form­ing in India.

Q. Are you involved in the hip-hop scene in oth­er ways aside from dance?

I am fan of the music and always build­ing rela­tion­ship with Artists and industry. I am a menswear design­er by day and have styled/designed for  many artists such as Jay Sean and JLS.

Q. What plans do you have for the future?

I will be purs­ing dance in terms of cho­reo­graphy and bring­ing con­cepts to stage. Also set­ting up a edu­ca­tion­al plat­form to intro­duce Hip-Hop / Street Dance to regions where the edu­ca­tion in the field is scarce.

Q. Is there any­one you’d really like to col­lab­or­ate with?

There are soo many but I would love to work with artists such as Ken­rick from Boy Blue, Twi­light Play­ers, Chris brown, Adrien Rako , Robert Taylor Jr and many more in the dance field. Work­ing with Keone and Mari would be a dream come true.

Catch Saran Kohli at the Breakin’ Con­ven­tion festival! 

For tick­ets and more details vis­it:


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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