150 tick­ets avail­able for even­ing of music, art, high fash­ion and queer cul­ture at city-centre ven­ue in aid of BOM and Shout Festival

A BOM Birth­day with Lady Leshurr, plus DJ Sip­pin’ T (BBZ Lon­don), House of Bab

1900 Thursday 14 Novem­ber 2019

BOM (Birm­ing­ham Open Media)

1 Dud­ley Street 


B5 4EG

Advance tick­ets priced £15 on gen­er­al sale via Event­brite

UK rap queen Lady Leshurr is to play an intim­ate Birm­ing­ham show on Thursday 14 Novem­ber as part of joint birth­day cel­eb­ra­tions for two cre­at­ive city organisations.

The acclaimed rap­per, sing­er and pro­du­cer, who has clocked up in excess of 160m views and over one mil­lion sub­scribers on You­Tube, will per­form live to 150 lucky fans as part of the BOM (Birm­ing­ham Open Media) fifth birth­day and Shout Fest­iv­al 10th birth­day cel­eb­ra­tions, at BOM’s city centre gal­lery venue.

Hos­ted by drag artist Yshe Black, fea­tur­ing sets by DJ Sip­pin’ T from Lon­don club night and cur­at­ori­al col­lect­ive BBZ as well as per­form­ances from Shout Festival’s House of Bab, the even­ing will mark the organ­isa­tion’s com­bined fif­teen years present­ing and cur­at­ing music, dan­cing, high fash­ion, LGB­TQ+ cul­ture, tech­no­logy and social impact in the city.

Since emer­ging a dec­ade ago with a series of self-released mix­tapes, Soli­hull nat­ive Lady Leshurr has worked hard to join the ranks of a new gen­er­a­tion of UK rap roy­alty, record­ing and col­lab­or­at­ing with grime pion­eers Wiley, Kano, D Double and Jam­mer, along­side a whole host of Birm­ing­ham MC tal­ent includ­ing Jaykae, Trilla, Remtrex and Bow­ser Boss.

Lady Leshurr Offic­al You­Tube channel

Not­able for her unflinch­ing lyr­ic­al deliv­ery and top­ic­al word­play in vir­al video series Queens Speech, the 29-year-old has earned a lyo­al fan­base and guar­an­teed a place amongst the most genu­ine and excit­ing artists to have been pro­duced by Birm­ing­ham’s diverse and vibrant music community.

The MOBO Best Female Act award win­ner (2016), who also starred in the acclaimed Birm­ing­ham gang film 1 Day, co-hos­ted a recent Later With…Jools Hol­land pro­gramme and opened as spe­cial guest for glob­al star Nicki Minaj on 2019 world tour, has been a vocal sup­port­er of pos­it­ive men­tal health, pub­licly shar­ing her struggles with self-con­fid­ence, indi­vidu­al­ity and sexu­al­ity with media, fans and industry.

Watch Lady Leshurr co-host­ing Later With…Jools Hol­land from 1 Novem­ber 2019 on iPlayer

Speak­ing ahead of her first intim­ate per­form­ance in the city for over a year, Lady Leshurr said, “Play­ing smal­ler shows with my home town fam­ily is always a real vibe; espe­cially when we’re sup­port­ing people and places that deliv­er a pos­it­ive impact on the city at the same time. Being part of Birm­ing­ham’s rise to the top is a priv­ilege and I’m hyped for every­one who will be join­ing me for these celebrations!”

BOM (Birm­ing­ham Open Media) is a centre for art, tech­no­logy and sci­ence ded­ic­ated to cre­at­ive innov­a­tion with pur­pose, loc­ated just one minute’s walk from Birm­ing­ham New Street Sta­tion, Grand Cent­ral and the Bull­ring. The BOM gal­lery is free to enter and presents cut­ting edge digit­al art­works and exhib­i­tions that spark debate about tech­no­logy and sci­entif­ic progress.

Born from hack­er cul­ture and ded­ic­ated to pos­it­ive social impact, the organ­isa­tion’s exhib­i­tions and events explore top­ic­al issues in digit­al cul­ture and sci­ence which impact on human lives. BOM’s edu­ca­tion work engages excluded chil­dren, young people and adults in cre­at­ive tech­no­logy pro­grammes, with a par­tic­u­lar interest in neurodi­versity and technology.

Louise Lat­ter, BOM Cur­at­or, praised the rap­per­’s pub­lic stance on issues includ­ing anxi­ety and depres­sion, Black Brit­ish iden­tity, LGB­TQ+ rights and more, say­ing, “Lady Leshurr is an excep­tion­al 21st cen­tury role mod­el for build­ing self-con­fid­ence, explor­ing inde­pend­ence and main­tain­ing cre­ativ­ity in a chal­len­ging world. The teams at BOM and Shout Fest­iv­al are abso­lutely thrilled to have one of the UK’s most pro­gress­ive and fierce artists help­ing us to cel­eb­rate the BOM and SHOUT birth­days with an intim­ate, mem­or­able and dazzling night of music and culture”.

Birm­ing­ham’s SHOUT Fest­iv­al grew out of a desire to cel­eb­rate and pro­mote the diversity of the city’s LGBT cul­tur­al com­munity. Launch­ing in 2009, SHOUT Fest­iv­al (a pro­ject of Birm­ing­ham LGBT) was cre­ated as a dir­ect response to a sig­ni­fic­ant lack of rep­res­ent­a­tion for of Les­bi­an, Gay, Bisexu­al, Trans, and Queer in Birmingham’s arts venues.

Over the past dec­ade the fest­iv­al has grown and changed, build­ing in ambi­tion to take on new chal­lenges includ­ing as a film fest­iv­al and an arts fest­iv­al work­ing across dif­fer­ent ven­ues, start­ing new con­ver­sa­tions and deliv­er­ing new pro­grammes and ideas. In recent years SHOUT has developed a robust and dynam­ic annu­al fest­iv­al tak­ing place for 10 days each November.

Advance tick­ets for A BOM Birth­day with Lady Leshurr priced £15 are on gen­er­al sale via Event­brite

A BOM Birth­day with Lady Leshurr, plus DJ Sip­pin’ T (BBZ Lon­don), House of Bab

1900 Thursday 14 Novem­ber 2019

BOM (Birm­ing­ham Open Media)

1 Dud­ley Street 


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.