It is import­ant to keep your mind sharp, no mat­ter your age. If you are pay­ing atten­tion to your brain health, you may be able to depend on your brain more as you age. There are many types of con­di­tions that can affect your brain and mind, such as demen­tia and Alzheimer’s. How­ever, when you are try­ing to make changes to keep your mind sharp, you can be well on your way to pro­tect­ing your­self from these types of con­di­tions. Here is a look at 7 ways to keep your mind sharp.

Pick Up A Hobby

A good place to start to work on strength­en­ing your mind is to pick up a hobby. If you con­sider some­thing like play­ing an instru­ment or pick­ing up video games, these activ­it­ies may be bene­fi­cial for your brain. You might even want to pur­chase puzzle books, learn chess, or start read­ing nov­els. Any­thing that will allow you to con­tin­ue to learn can be help­ful to your mind and your brain.

Seek Out Therapy

Anoth­er thing that is good for your mind is to get ther­apy if you need it. There are mul­tiple tech­niques that can be used in ther­apy, to help you work through your issues and address any con­cerns you may have. For instance, a psy­chi­at­rist may util­ize some­thing called prim­al ther­apy to help you work through trau­mat­ic events that you have exper­i­enced in your life. You can learn more about this type of ther­apy when you read this art­icle: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/what-is-primal-therapy/.

When you are con­sid­er­ing ther­apy, you should be aware that you can opt for in-per­son ther­apy or online ther­apy options. Online ther­apy can be con­duc­ted any­where you are and in a way that is com­fort­able for you. You can talk to your ther­ap­ist via text or video call­ing, as well as a num­ber of addi­tion­al ways. Moreover, online ther­apy can be more afford­able for some, espe­cially if they do not have health­care coverage.

If you are unsure about ther­apy, you may choose to talk to someone you know and trust about your prob­lems. This can be pos­it­ive too. When you are hav­ing a bad day, call your friend and talk to them. They may be able to offer advice and adjust your per­spect­ive on what you are deal­ing with.

Eat Right

Your body needs fuel to get through the day, which is why you need to eat a healthy diet to pro­tect your brain. When you are ingest­ing fruits, veget­ables, grains, and meats, your body is able to con­vert these things into energy, and this can also allow you to be able to bet­ter make decisions and prop­erly con­trol your moods and beha­vi­or. If you don’t know how to add bet­ter foods into your diet, try to incor­por­ate veget­ables into each of your meals, or choose smooth­ies in the morn­ing, instead of some­thing like sug­ary cereals.


While it may seem obvi­ous, exer­cise can go a long way to pro­tect your mind. Work­ing out just a few hours each week might help you work through your prob­lems, man­age your stress levels, and will also burn cal­or­ies. Each of these things can be bene­fi­cial for your body and may even boost your mood.

Get Some Sleep

Get­ting the right amount of sleep is also cru­cial whenev­er you are try­ing to pro­tect your mind. Adults need around 7 hours of sleep each night, so you should try to give your­self time to sleep this much each day of the week. This means you might have to set a bed­time for your­self and fol­low it.

Go To The Doctor

Phys­ic­al health prob­lems may be affect­ing your mind as well, so you should have your­self checked out if you haven’t done so in a while. Once a doc­tor gives you a clean bill of health, you’ll know that you are tak­ing care of your­self. If you do find out that you need treat­ment for some type of con­di­tion, be sure to fol­low up with your doc­tor so you can get treat­ment right away.

Learn To Relax

Some­times you just want to lay around and not think about any­thing. This is fine to do. Your mind wants to relax too. When you can, spend all day watch­ing your favor­ite films, or play­ing with your kids. Do some­thing that is relax­ing to you, so you can take your mind off of everything else and just enjoy yourself.


When you want to work on keep­ing your mind sharp, there are numer­ous ways to do so. Incor­por­at­ing the things on this list can be help­ful for your mind, and also bene­fi­cial for your health overall.

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Marie Miguel

Mar­ie Miguel has been a writ­ing and research expert for nearly a dec­ade, cov­er­ing a vari­ety of health- related top­ics. Cur­rently, she is con­trib­ut­ing to the expan­sion and growth of a free online men­tal health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and ded­ic­a­tion to address­ing stig­mas asso­ci­ated with men­tal health, she con­tin­ues to spe­cific­ally tar­get sub­jects related to anxi­ety and depression.

About Marie Miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.