One of the best ways to use marijuana for relax­ing and unwind­ing. Ima­gine your­self get­ting tired after work­ing all day, and then you come home and smoke some marijuana. You feel relaxed and calm and get some rest and pre­pare your­self for tomorrow.

Smoking can­nabis has been proven to bring relax­a­tion more than any­thing else. Some can­nabis strains will hit you imme­di­ately and some will take a while. Any­way, here is a list of the best can­nabis strains for relax­ing and unwinding.

You can find these strains and oth­ers at top online dis­pens­ar­ies in Canada. The web­site Dis­pens­ary Guide Canada is a great place to find the best online dis­pens­ary for your needs. If you’re in a major city, you can also speak with a Budtender at a loc­al shop.

OG Kush

Let’s start with the icon­ic OG Kush. This can­nabis strain is fam­ous and known to every exper­i­enced weed smoker. Per­haps even non-smokers have heard of OG Kush. Every­one wants OG Kush.

OG Kush was cre­ated back in the 90s, and it is a hybrid strain with an unknown his­tory. This strain will give you an uplift­ing head buzz and then knock you down on the couch. You will feel com­pletely calm, relaxed, and euphoric.

OG Kush is per­fect for people who can tol­er­ate THC, as it has a high per­cent­age of THC. Aside from its relax­ing and unwind­ing effects, OG Kush is also great for treat­ing stress, migraine, ADHD, and depression.

Straw­berry Cough

Many people wouldn’t think that Straw­berry Cough is great for relax­a­tion, since it is sativa-dom­in­ant. But, Straw­berry Cough has a strong straw­berry aroma and taste and a high THC con­tent. It is just a waste to not use Straw­berry Cough to relax.

The ori­gin of Straw­berry Cough is unknown, besides the fact that it comes from the Haze fam­ily. Make sure you can tol­er­ate a high amount of THC before decid­ing to smoke it. Straw­berry Cough will give you feel­ings of calm and hap­pi­ness. Then, you’ll get a boost in energy and creativity.

That being said, only use Straw­berry Cough to relax when you have some exper­i­ence with weed. Begin­ners would have a hard time with Straw­berry Cough, unfor­tu­nately. The smoke is hard and thick, which could be dif­fi­cult for beginners.


Can­naton­ic is a bal­anced strain, mean­ing it is half indica and half sativa. As a bal­anced strain, Can­naton­ic is the per­fect weed strain to ease anxi­ety and help you relax. Its THC con­tent is pretty low, only at 7%, but its CBD con­tent is as high as 17%.

Can­naton­ic is regarded as the best can­nabis strain for ther­apy. This is why it’s very pop­u­lar in Canada. Though, people who are expect­ing a long-last­ing buzz will be dis­ap­poin­ted. Can­naton­ic has an uplift­ing, relax­ing effect, but only for a short while.

Purple Wid­ow

People who are look­ing for relax­ing and unwind­ing can­nabis strains are usu­ally look­ing for Purple Wid­ow. Purple Wid­ow is a cross between White Wid­ow and Purple Power. The res­ult is a plant that pro­duces fat and purple flowers.

The aroma is really nice, it’s like a vari­ety of fruits with flor­al over­tones. And the taste is cit­rusy too. Purple Wid­ow has a com­bin­a­tion of indica body high and racy, cereb­ral sativa effects.

The THC con­tent is not too high, only at 17%, so it should be good even for begin­ners. Over­all, Purple Wid­ow is very pleas­ant to smoke and should help relax and calm your mind and body.

Hindu Kush

Hindu Kush is regarded as the icon­ic can­nabis that pop­ular­ized smoking marijuana through­out the world. This strain is a potent pure indica, per­fect for relax­ing at night. It ori­gin­ated on the bor­der of Pakistan and Afgh­anistan, then brought to the US in the 60s.

But the thing is, Hindu Kush couldn’t really thrive in the west. There­fore, people have been cross­ing it with oth­er strains to make it more stable and com­pat­ible with the cli­mate. That being said, Hindu Kush is more potent than most cross­breeds today.

Hindu Kush has a THC con­tent of 20% and it is heav­ily sed­at­ive. You can recog­nize Hindu Kush by its large, clustered green buds, and the aroma is very com­plex, like sweet and musky at the same time, with a hint of san­dal­wood, pine, spice, and wet earth.

The smoke from Hindu Kush can be very harsh and cough-indu­cing, so pre­pare your­self. The high will be slowly creep­ing in, start­ing with a sense of phys­ic­al relax­a­tion and then mov­ing toward men­tal fog­gi­ness. Soon your limbs and head will feel heavy, and you feel sleepy.

Girl Scout Cookies

Anoth­er hard-hit­ting can­nabis strain that you should try is Girl Scout Cook­ies. With a high THC con­tent of 28%, pre­pare to feel relaxed and drowsy. Girl Scout Cook­ies is one of the best strains to be used after din­ner and when you’re try­ing to relax.

Girl Scout Cook­ies was cre­ated in order to get a high THC con­tent, and they did just that. The first thing you will notice is the earthy and sweet aromas that hit your nose. And once you break apart the buds, the aroma will turn sweety.

The high is also quite inter­est­ing, first, you’ll feel a wave of euphor­ia and tingles all through­out your body. This is what you get with a small puff by the way. Then you will feel like you’re no longer in this world, and you cer­tainly don’t want to get up from the couch. You will also get the munchies, so it’d be best to pre­pare some snacks beforehand.

The high isn’t over yet. Soon, you’ll feel gig­gly and cre­at­ive. But des­pite feel­ing cre­at­ive, you won’t be able to get any­thing done, sadly. This power­ful effect will last for hours.


There you have it, some of the best can­nabis strains to relax and unwind. These strains are recom­men­ded for both begin­ners and exper­i­enced smokers, but con­sid­er­ing the effects of some of these strains, please be care­ful and be prepared.

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.