If you’ve always been intrigued by the hip-hop look and want to give it a try, don’t be intim­id­ated. Hip-hop cloth­ing may look dif­fi­cult to pull off, but it does­n’t have to be. You can go for a very simple or elab­or­ate style if you want to, and hip-hop cloth­ing is much more ver­sat­ile than many people think. You also have to know that the hip-hop style has changed a lot over the years, and it’s not all baggy clothes and Nik­es any­more. Let’s take a look at a few tips that will allow you to get the hip-hop look down to a tee.

It all Starts with the Shoes

Shoes, espe­cially sneak­ers, are the found­a­tion of hip-hop style, and if you don’t know your sneak­ers, you will nev­er be able to truly get the look. You have two options you can go for. You can either choose con­sumer brands like Jordan, New Bal­ance, or Adi­das, or go for high-end brands like Gucci, Balen­ciaga, or Off White.

If you really want to stand out, how­ever, and you want to go more for the high-end hip hop aes­thet­ic, we sug­gest you look at high-end sneak­ers. Not only will they look bet­ter, but they will last longer and will look great wheth­er they’re spank­ing new or slightly worn, which is not always the case with mass-pro­duced mod­els. If you’re look­ing for a great selec­tion of women’s Gucci sneak­ers, vis­it SSENSE online.

Relaxed, not Baggy

While baggy clothes have not been the thing in hip hop for many years, more loose-fit­ting cloth­ing has been mak­ing a comeback. So, instead of going for baggy jeans and cuts, try to go for a relaxed fit. If you pair a nice pair of sneak­ers with a relaxed pair of jeans, a t‑shirt, and a loose plaid shirt, you’ll get a nice hip-hop-inspired look that will look great in all sorts of set­tings. Try to play around with dif­fer­ent fits, tex­tures, shoes, and accessor­ies until you find some­thing that works.

Learn How to Match Your Colors

Match­ing your col­ors prop­erly is very import­ant in hip-hop fash­ion, and since hip-hop fash­ion trends are very col­or­ful, you need to learn how to bal­ance your col­ors and pat­terns cor­rectly. If you’re wear­ing very col­or­ful shoes, for instance, then you can bal­ance them with more muted col­ors for the rest of your out­fit. Try not to be too matchy though, and break the pieces up with a few neut­ral tones. You need to learn how to break up your pat­terns as well.

Get a Few Tracksuits

No hip-hop ward­robe is com­plete without one or a few track­suits. One thing you should try not to do, how­ever, is wear the whole track­suit at once. Either wear the bot­tom with a nice shirt and accessor­ies or wear the top with a nice pair of jeans.

This is all you need to know to start build­ing your hip-hop style. Try as many things as you can but fol­low these few simple tips if you want to have the basics down.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.