Poetry: Meditations (Mental Relaxation) by Shva One

Med­it­a­tions (Men­tal Relax­a­tion) 

In the midst of your med­it­a­tion expect rev­el­a­tion,
when you fin­ish con­tem­pla­tion know self- real­isa­tion,
Visu­al­ise your­self and your kids as the Hip Hop Nation….
Patience leads to grav­it­a­tion of mak­ing new rela­tions,
Hold that feel­ing sac­red, the memory is nev­er wasted;
Your thoughts are where you placed it, with con­cen­tra­tion.

Elev­a­tion past phys­ic­al senses and it will feel amazin’,
Only some have been crav­ing to uplift from dev­ast­a­tion,
When I Fin­ish spit­tin’ you’ll be left with my res­on­a­tion,

in the silence… the vibra­tion is heightened,
Elim­in­ate want of new items to become enlightened,
Your entire being bey­ond space and time nev­er be frightened,

Visu­al­ise life, reflect thy past, cre­ate our future,
Hear your inner voice, define the I Am; Aum cycles lun­ar,
Light from your heart, ‘Kin-I-Aes­thet­ic’ intern­al com­puter.

Med­it­a­tion is aware­ness of ele­ments with­in Uni­ver­sal sys­tems,
The com­pon­ents of which every human has the symp­toms,
That’s why its Peace Love and Unity we strive to bring them.


For more spoken word from ShvaOne check him out on sound­cloud below:


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Vish ShvaOne

Vish ShvaOne

Vish is an Emcee, edu­ca­tion devel­op­ment lead­er at the Hip Hip His­tor­i­an Soci­ety and recently, co-dir­ect­or of Every Per­son is Cap­able. He works on Hip Hop com­munity mat­ters and lives to uplift people.

About Vish ShvaOne

Vish ShvaOne
Vish is an Emcee, education development leader at the Hip Hip Historian Society and recently, co-director of Every Person is Capable. He works on Hip Hop community matters and lives to uplift people.

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