Inlight­en Music Group present Soulrac’s latest single/video “Black­face” of his new album ‘Soulploit­a­tion.’  “Black­face” is pro­duced by multi-tal­en­ted inter­na­tion­al pro­du­cer Big Bob of Élite Sound Inter­na­tion­al.

It’s been nearly 200 years since white per­formers first star­ted paint­ing their faces black to mock enslaved Afric­ans in min­strel shows across the United States. It was racist and offens­ive then, and it’s still racist and offens­ive today. By dis­tort­ing the fea­tures and cul­ture of Afric­an Amer­ic­ans includ­ing their looks, lan­guage, dance, deport­ment, and char­ac­ter; white Amer­ic­ans were able to codi­fy white­ness across class and geo­pol­it­ic­al lines as its anti­thes­is. Black­face and the codi­fy­ing of black­ness, lan­guage, move­ment, deport­ment, and char­ac­ter, like a cari­ca­ture, per­sists through mass media and in pub­lic per­form­ances today. Join the move­ment by shar­ing the #erase­black­face hasht­ag on social media to bring aware­ness to this issue.

‘Soulploit­a­tion’ is an EP that’s remin­is­cent of the Golden Era of Hip Hop and the Black Power move­ment because it verb­al­izes the dilem­mas we face as a soci­ety. Like the music from Blax­ploit­a­tion films, it ser­en­ades its listen­ers with soul­ful and thought-pro­vok­ing lyr­ics and music. Watch “Black­face” and con­nect with Soulrac below.


Soulrac (Car­los Dukes)  was born and raised in Orlando, Flor­ida dur­ing the Golden Era of Hip Hop which influ­enced his music­al palette and cre­ativ­ity. His upbring­ing shaped his thought pro­cess and motiv­ated him to address the social injustices he wit­nessed through­out his life.  An envir­on­ment where Mass Incar­cer­a­tion, Police Bru­tal­ity, Gentri­fic­a­tion, etc were the norm.  As a youth, he star­ted scrib­bling rhymes in his note­pad and rap­ping became a means of expres­sion.  An expres­sion he used when they would battle rap by free­styl­in dur­ing lunch and after school as a means of recre­ation.  Soulrac defines his music as “Music for the Soul” and his name is derived from his first name being spelled back­ward with an extra O.

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Ins­tagram: @Soulrac Music


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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!