Grand Groove Unlim­ited Records announces the release of their latest pro­ject titled “Grand Groove Unleashed”. The album, which hosts a vari­ety of skilled first-rate Artists includ­ing Boo­gie Black, Vet­er­an Jeff Redd, B Smooth, Vic­tor Daze, Pet­awane, John Jigg$, Spark Ezy, Relly Waterz, and Addictt is avail­able now on all digit­al stream­ing plat­forms.

GGUR 1500

The album is a time­less and innov­at­ive col­lect­ive that fans of all genres can rev­el in.  Listen­ing to the album will tran­scend listen­ers onto a jour­ney begin­ning with the euphor­ic sounds of the 70’s, com­posed jazz and funk mix­tures, clas­sic Hip Hop and R&B, and cul­min­at­ing through today’s mod­ern anim­ated sounds and beats.

“Get’ Em”, the para­mount single off the album by Boo­gie Black and Jeff Redd, defines how elec­tri­fy­ing music can be.  This single will meta­morph­ose any­thing into a dance floor and all bod­ies into move and groove mode.  Boo­gie Black deliv­ers anoth­er cut a rug record, “New York Party Sounds Like This” fea­tur­ing Ron Browz.  This one is an ode to New York, the mecca cap­it­ol of the world. Boo­gie men­tions the essen­tial land­marks, deep rooted bor­oughs, and of course the grat­i­fy­ing rooftops. Both records are amp­li­fied by pulsa­tions of Boo­gie Nights meets Fast and Furi­ous.

Relly Waterz and Addictt con­trib­ute records for the new­er gen­er­a­tion; music to bounce to while sip­ping Cîroc at the club. “Oragami” and “Saucy” are fun tracks that rel­ish in their come up, “from chick­en to sushi”.  B. Smooth and Boo­gie Black also offer a turn up record titled “We Came to Get Down”, with more of a robot­ic and futur­ist­ic sound over a rhym­ing flow.  “Talk My Shit” by Spark Ezy takes the cake with an incred­ible mix of Clash of the Titans and club beats over Ezy going in on fals­i­fied rap­pers.

John Jigg$ is known for his mic drop punch­lines and “Nights Like This” is no excep­tion. Bar for bar he high­lights a young Jigg$ who vis­ions his name in bright lights, to cur­rent time of burn­ing stage bulbs world­wide.

B Smooth, Vic­tor Daze, and Peterwane take listen­ers back to that feel good, soul grabbing R&B.  “Game Over”, Waste of My Time”, “Cheated”, “I Apo­lo­gize”, and “You’re the One” are genu­ine records about love and heart­break.  Smooth, Daze, and Peterwane haven’t lost sight of grant­ing listen­ers a taste of their smooth and pas­sion­ate sides.

The album con­cludes with a party mix of “Get’Em”, which embod­ies every dec­ade of the finest music.

Stream “Grand Groove Unleashed” below.

About Grand Groove Unlim­ited Records

Grand Groove is a record label which focuses on what is sig­ni­fic­ant ; invest­ing in music as well as the the tal­en­ted artists that cre­ate it. The label believes in cre­at­ing a col­lab­or­at­ive and innov­at­ive envir­on­ment where artists can thrive and reach their max­im­um poten­tial  in a stress free atmo­sphere.


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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!