Chicago’s Own Precise Shares Enrichment About Hip Hop, Life, and “That Ol’ Boom Bap” @Precise_Chi

MJ here with I Am Hip-Hop Magazine Lon­don!  If you are not famil­i­ar with Chicago’s own Hip Hop Artist, Act­or, Writer, and Motiv­a­tion­al Speak­er Pre­cise, sit back and tune in…

MJ:  I had the pleas­ure of inter­view­ing you a few years back and since then there has been a tre­mend­ous amount of suc­cess and accom­plish­ments in your career.  All of which I’m eager to touch upon!  But first tell every­one what it was like grow­ing up in a Haitian house­hold sur­roun­ded by music? Do you think your career path would have been dif­fer­ent if music was not involved?

Pre­cise: Grow­ing up in a Haitian house­hold was beau­ti­ful, tra­di­tion­al, and some­times strict. Hav­ing music as an intric­ate back­drop in my life has def­in­itely influ­enced my life. Being Haitian adds to this exper­i­ence because of the rhythms, moods, and vibes. I think I would have always grav­it­ated towards music because it’s my heart­beat.

MJ:  Many artists also take on role of Engin­eer or Pro­du­cer.  How­ever, you have evolved into a grow­ing icon not only as artist but as Motiv­a­tion­al Speak­er, Act­or, and Writer.  Talk about those roles in your life.  How do you find bal­ance? Without bal­ance a career in the music and enter­tain­ment industry can quickly crash.

Pre­cise: I love to do all of those things. I guess his is why time does not factor in as a con­straint. It does in a sense because I actu­ally have a job now. How­ever, as the doors con­tin­ue to fly open and wel­come oppor­tun­ity the time con­tin­ues to present itself. I’m grate­ful for this.

MJ:  I’m also curi­ous to know what keeps you groun­ded and humble.  It almost appears to be a grow­ing trend for artists or indi­vidu­als in any spot­light to shine arrog­ance instead of grat­it­ude.

Pre­cise: Know­ing that life is such a valu­able gift keeps me focused and driv­en. The world is chan­ging every day and the abil­ity to be able to con­trol one’s des­tiny is becom­ing more appar­ent. This trend you men­tion are the grow­ing pains of a new sens­ib­il­ity. Change starts with your­self, how­ever in order to really move the bar we have to move as a unit. The arrog­ance and desire to have the spot­light will dis­sip­ate once we start recog­niz­ing our power as one.

MJ:  Let’ talk about your anthem “That Ol’ Boom Bap”!  That track is receiv­ing large amounts of momentum and buzz across the globe!  Talk about the cre­ation, the mes­sage, and what that track means to you per­son­ally.

 Pre­cise:  DJ Tek­wun from NY cre­ated “The Boom Bap Pro­ject” a few years ago. My man­ager Redell Drake­ford linked us up and Tek sent me the track. When I heard it, it imme­di­ately put me in the mind of the essence of what this cul­ture rep­res­ents. Peace, love, unity, and hav­ing fun is what this is about. Rap music provides the rhythm and the kick drum and the snare make us move. They motiv­ate us. It’s import­ant to acknow­ledge our ori­gins in a way that is unashamed and delib­er­ate. “That Ol’ Boom Bap” is a remind­er of where we come from an Ode to the cul­ture in its past, present, and future.

MJ:  Define Hip Hop for me…Define Hip Hop Cul­ture for me…Why is it import­ant for Pre­cise to cre­ate music for longev­ity, music for the fans, and music that recog­nizes the found­a­tion built by our fath­er­ing pion­eers of Hip Hop?

Pre­cise: I get asked that ques­tion a lot. I’m happy that this hap­pens because I always want be to make the clear dis­tinc­tion that Hip-Hop is the cul­ture and rap is one of the things unique to the cul­ture. The way I walk, talk, and present myself is Hip Hop. Cre­at­ing music that adds value and is essen­tial to any true growth in our cul­ture. Doing this will always hon­or those that have come before us.

MJ:  I’m sure you can recall count­less memor­ies, but can you share one mem­or­able and nos­tal­gic moment in your career thus far that con­tin­ues to impact?

Pre­cise: There was one time when I went to an event called Pheature cre­ated by P1. I went to watch the acts per­form and P1 asked if I would per­form. I agreed.  My song came on and I zoned out and by the time I was done I couldn’t remem­ber what happened. The crowd was going crazy. It felt like I exper­i­enced some out of body exper­i­ence. I loved that feel­ing. The abil­ity to just become one with the music is amaz­ing.

MJ:  Briefly touch upon your exper­i­ence at The Mil­lion Man March.  I can only ima­gine it can be noted as a phe­nom­en­al, life chan­ging exper­i­ence.

Pre­cise: The Mil­lion Man March is an import­ant part of me truly grow­ing into man­hood. Min­is­ter Far­rakhan was able to get one mil­lion black men to come togeth­er and dis­cuss the state of our people and how we must take con­trol of our lives and fam­il­ies. I learned about atone­ment and for­giv­ing. For­giv­ing is the most power­ful thing we can do for ourselves. It releases a bur­den from your heart and allows you to move for­ward. The March was truly life chan­ging and I am so happy I went.

MJ:  I want to take a moment for the fans, let’s give them a chance to get to know Pre­cise!  Who con­tin­ues, and not just music­ally, to influ­ence both your per­son­al life and career?  What are your favor­ite 3 genres of music?  Give the fans three words to describe your stage pres­ence.  Where are some places you would like to tour?

Pre­cise: Hmm three genres.… I really love all music, but if I had to be pinned down to three I would say rap, r&b, and jazz…My stage pres­ence is arrest­ing, elec­tri­fy­ing, and deliberate…I would like to tour Europe, Africa, and the Carib­bean.

MJ:  Can you give us an inside peek on some upcom­ing pro­jects you are work­ing on?

Pre­cise: I’m work­ing on my latest pro­ject “Man of the Ages”.  If you want a sample of what it’s going to sound like listen to my song “Speak Lifez”. I’m really approach­ing this from a very focused and driv­en per­spect­ive. I’m all about rais­ing the vibra­tion.


MJ:  As we wrap up, is there any­thing else you want the world to know about Pre­cise?

Pre­cise: Pre­cise loves his fam­ily and wants all of us to be free and pur­sue our dreams unen­cumbered.

MJ:  I want to thank you again for the inter­view, and thank you for cre­at­ing incred­ible music!  Sky’s the lim­it for Pre­cise, salute!

Man­age­ment con­tact Redell Drake­ford at

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!