We Out Here — Gilles Peterson’s award-win­ning week­ender — presents a cross-gen­er­a­tion­al and uniquely indi­vidu­al pro­gramme of over 100 new artists join­ing their 2024 bill. *The 2024 lineup is lis­ted at the bot­tom of the page.

A fest­iv­al for all: We Out Here threads sounds from all corners of the music­al world to bring music-lov­ers togeth­er in one place. The pro­gramme doubles down on the festival’s eth­os of plat­form­ing genre pion­eers along­side excit­ing emer­ging tal­ent; across the eclect­ic genres fest­iv­al-founder Gilles Peterson has cham­pioned through­out his forty-year career.

Lead­ing the main stage with a rare live per­form­ance, the legendary André 3000 is set to cap­tiv­ate the audi­ence with melod­ies from his latest flute album ‘New Blue Sun,’ whilst Mer­cury Prize win­ning sing­er-song­writer Sampha will deliv­er an eth­er­e­al per­form­ance fea­tur­ing tracks from his latest album, ‘Lahai’. Award-win­ning Poet Kae Tem­pest will delve into the world of the spoken word, while R&B/Soul legend, Dee Dee Bridge­wa­ter, will turn up the energy with ‘I Can’t Stand The Rain’’ infus­ing soul and funk into the crowd. GRAMMY award win­ning Amer­ic­an rap­per Black Thought, widely acknow­ledged as one of the most skilled, incis­ive, and pro­lif­ic rap­pers of his time will join the excep­tion­al lineup, com­ple­ment­ing the already announced legends Loose Ends, Bri­an Jack­son, and India’s most suc­cess­ful vocal­ists Asha Puthli, who are set to per­form at what will be an unfor­get­table weekend.


But the excite­ment does­n’t stop there; addi­tion­al head­liners are set to take the stage. Glob­ally acclaimed house music pro­du­cer Louie Vega will present his latest pro­ject ‘The Ele­ments of Life’ while UK rap and grime MC CASIDEAD will show­case tracks from his latest album ‘Fam­ous Last Words’ filled with ’80s synth lines and twi­lit ambi­ence. Corinne Bailey Rae, known for her soul-bar­ing lyr­ics and cap­tiv­at­ing melod­ies, intro­duces a new sound and twist with her latest album, ‘Black Rain­bows.’ Ghanai­an high­life and afrobeat pion­eer Ebo Taylor will keep the crowd groov­ing with funky rhythms, whilst Mer­cury Prize nom­in­ated DJ/producer Float­ing Points and elec­tron­ic duo Mount Kim­bie will turn up the dial with live elec­tron­ic hybrid sets.

Founder & cur­at­or Gilles Peterson says of the announce­ment: “We’re really excited to announce the full lineup for We Out Here 2024…edition 5! I can’t tell you how much I value this gath­er­ing of all the music­al tribes, and this lineup might be our most wide-span­ning and eclect­ic yet”

We Out Here plat­forms the best in live music along­side club and dance music cul­ture; Rhythm Corner where the night­time pro­gramme opens up with take-overs from an expans­ive lineup of DJs rep­res­ent­ing both the roots and future of the dance­floor. Some of the industry’s finest DJs will set the scene with live sets from Joy Orbison, Cal­ibre, Chan­nel One, Zed Bias, Tama Sumo & Lak­uti, Mr Scruff, DJ Storm and Gilles Peterson himself.

Jazz enthu­si­asts can look for­ward to a cap­tiv­at­ing lineup fea­tur­ing a vari­ety of artists this year, includ­ing Mat­thew Halsall, Mansur Brown, Venna and Irre­vers­ible Entan­gle­ments. In addi­tion, Moodymann’s Maho­goni Music will pay a spe­cial trib­ute hon­our­ing the legendary Amp Fid­dler across the weekend.

In a cel­eb­ra­tion of sig­ni­fic­ant mile­stones, this year We Out Here will mark 10 years of Wis­dom Teeth, 25 years of Tru Thoughts, 20 years of First Word, 20 years of Hyper­dub, and 15 years of Eglo Records.

As well as see­ing some of music’s biggest stars across the Main Stage and Big Top, the fest­iv­al offers a vari­ety of altern­at­ive stages and attrac­tions for all to enjoy through­out the week­end. Music is at the heart and soul of the fest­iv­al, and Lem­on Lounge, Near Mint Record Store, the Talks Tent, Lush Life, The Hen­nessy, Love Dan­cin’ stages provide the per­fect plat­form to dis­cov­er new and emer­ging artists while fur­ther­ing fest­iv­al goers insight into the devel­op­ing music­al ecosystem.

But that’s not all, Columbia Road’s Brawn res­taur­ant joins forces with Gilles Peterson’s label Browns­wood Record­ings + World­wide FM to present the Brawns­wood stage. As well as their on-site res­taur­ant, serving food and drink all day, clas­sics — from cooked break­fast favour­ites, served up with fine wines, cock­tails and more — the stage will also host a hand-picked selec­tion of DJs and Live Artists, drop­ping in for intim­ate, stripped-back sets.

As well as wide span­ning and eclect­ic new acts, this year the Sanc­tu­ary returns with a relax­ing space near the lake for those who are look­ing for a place to chill out. The full music offer­ing will be expan­ded by part­ners, well­ness, talks and fam­ily activ­it­ies, provid­ing some­thing for everyone.

Envel­oped by tower­ing trees, the site offers We Out Here’s pos­it­ive and pas­sion­ate com­munity a unique oppor­tun­ity to switch off from the out­side world and, togeth­er, fully immerse in what’s fast become We Out Here’s trade­mark offer­ing: out­stand­ing live music, some of the best record col­lec­tions in the world, high-end sound and pro­duc­tion, fam­ily, well­ness & cul­tur­al activ­it­ies and above all, unit­ing a world­wide fam­ily of con­scious music-lov­ing people.

Tick­et inform­a­tion is avail­able here — www.weoutherefestival.com 

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.