

Veuve Clic­quot presents, ‘Rebels’, the fourth instal­ment of the Wid­ow Series, an annu­al cre­at­ive event which pays homage to the revolu­tion­ary founder of the House, Madame Clicquot.

Launch­ing on 15th Novem­ber and tak­ing place over three even­ings at London’s South Bank, the event will cel­eb­rate and explore rad­ic­al moments in Brit­ish cul­ture under the cre­at­ive nar­ra­tion of Tom Hingston.

Brought to life across six rooms, Rebels will host col­lab­or­a­tions from world renowned pho­to­graph­er Nick Knight, light install­a­tion artist Chris Lev­ine, pho­to­graph­ic and film­mak­ing duo War­ren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones, install­a­tion artists Rebecca Louise Law, Anna Burns, Lon­don Menswear Design­er Liam Hodges and musi­cians Joe God­dard of Hot Chip, icon­ic sing­er-song­writer Neneh Cherry; fea­tur­ing an adapt­a­tion of her song Kong, Mer­cury Prize Win­ners Young Fath­ers, Sav­ages’ Jehnny Beth & Johnny Hos­tile, Mo’Wax Founder James Lav­elle and audio by Fan­tom, the sens­ory music app, fea­tur­ing Teardrop / Massive Attack.

Room 1 — Mani­festo A film install­a­tion by Young Fath­ers, show­cas­ing an adapt­a­tion of the song ‘Only God Knows’ from Train­spot­ting T2, which cel­eb­rates the import­ance of spaces that enable free­dom and self- expres­sion, both of which were imper­at­ive to Madame Clic­quot, who’s life was defined by her auda­cious, cour­ageous choices like chal­len­ging ship­ping block­ades to get her cham­pagne to the rest of Europe. This changed the dis­tri­bu­tion chain to what we have today.

Room 1.5 – C.A.L.M An exten­sion of Room 1, Sav­ages’ Jehnny Beth and Johnny Hos­tile reveal an exclus­ive look at their spoken word install­a­tion, to be show­cased the rest of the pub­lic next year, entitled; Crimes Against Love Mani­festo, with accom­pa­ny­ing imagery of Jehnny, taken by Johnny himself.

Room 2 — The Revolu­tion A room inspired by the spir­it of rebel­lion, brought to life by Nick Knight through a con­tem­por­ary lens who cap­tures the essence of punk through new foot­age, sound and graph­ics. Madame Clicquot’s embod­ied this spir­it through­out her career, defy­ing social con­ven­tion and break­ing the norm. With bold ambi­tion, Madame Clic­quot pushed bound­ar­ies and went on to build a com­plete empire, going against soci­et­ies expect­a­tions of a young wid­ow, at that time

Room 3 — Gender and Iden­tity With sound com­posed by James Lav­elle, Room 3 explores the sub­ver­sion of iden­tity and ste­reo­type through a series of char­ac­ters based on film-mak­ing duo War­ren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones’ recent exhib­i­tion ‘Immor­tals’, which par­al­lels to Madame Clicquot’s influ­ence on rede­fin­ing gender roles in the 1700’s, when she took charge of her Husband’s busi­ness at 27 at a time when women weren’t even allowed bank accounts, a sub­ject which cur­rent soci­et­ies are still chal­len­ging on a daily basis

Room 4 ‑The Sunken Cargo

Designed by Anna Burns who, through a num­ber of impress­ive speak­er stacks powered by Funk­tion 1 to achieve optim­um sound, brings to life club nos­tal­gia of walk­ing into a space and being com­pletely dom­in­ated and wel­comed by music. Jux­ta­posed by the feel­ing of unity and dis­cov­ery that music brings, a sig­ni­fi­er of the 170-year-old Veuve Clic­quot bottles recovered from a Balt­ic Ship­wreck. An adapt­a­tion of ‘Kong’ by none oth­er than Neneh Cherry, with lyr­ics that address the cur­rent social agenda and cul­tures colliding

Room 5 — The Comet Bar Inspired by the great comet of 1811 that spread good for­tune across the fields of Reims and helped cre­ate the Madame Clicquot’s fam­ous vin­tage; Le Grande Dame, which has become one of Veuve Clicquot’s most loved bottles with­in the port­fo­lio, this hero bar will be accom­pan­ied by a playl­ist cur­ated by Hot Chip’s Joe God­dard, with live char­ac­ters styled by Menswear Design­er Liam Hodges, all pay­ing homage to the second Sum­mer of Love and the acid house move­ment; an icon­ic era that still inspires many cre­at­ive com­munit­ies today, across music, fash­ion and design

Room 6 — Field of Dreams An ode to the cul­ture of mass cel­eb­ra­tion, the elev­ated fest­iv­al field is an eth­er­e­al space imaged by Artist Rebecca Louise Law and Light Install­a­tion Artist Chris Lev­ine, all pay­ing homage to Madame Clicquot’s ded­ic­a­tion to liv­ing life to the fullest, and cel­eb­ra­tion, an act intrins­ic­ally linked with cham­pagne, all against an audio back­drop powered by Fan­tom, the sens­ory music app, fea­tur­ing Teardrop / Massive Attack

Inspired by the spir­it of rebel­lion that Madame Clic­quot embod­ied this year’s Wid­ow Series chapters the most sig­ni­fic­ant events in the Veuve Clic­quot story, through explor­ing some of Britain’s key sub­cul­tur­al moments. Framed as a meta­phor­ic­al nightclub – the cata­lyst where great things begin — Rebels embraces music, fash­ion, film and install­a­tion to tell the story of a revolution.

A cre­at­ive trail­blazer in her own right, Madame Clic­quot fam­ously trans­formed the cham­pagne industry, rede­fin­ing gender ste­reo­types after becom­ing a wid­ow at the age of 27. Des­pite facing bank­ruptcy, with bold ambi­tion and vis­ion­ary think­ing she rebelled against the con­straints of soci­ety and went on to build one of the most fam­ous cham­pagne houses in the world.

Jean-Marc Gal­lot, Pres­id­ent Mais­on Veuve Clic­quot com­men­ted: ‘To quote Madame Clic­quot ‘The World is in per­petu­al motion and we must invent the things of tomor­row’ and it is this notion of cre­ativ­ity that we cel­eb­rate through the Wid­ow Series.’

On speak­ing about this year’s cre­at­ive vis­ion, Tom Hing­ston, Veuve Clic­quot Wid­ow Series nar­rat­or says: “The idea of cel­eb­rat­ing the Widow’s story — which is one of

innov­a­tion and rebel­lion — through our own sub cul­tur­al move­ments feels incred­ibly excit­ing. Using the ‘club’ as a device gives us a con­tem­por­ary frame­work to tell the Veuve story through without it feel­ing like a his­tory lesson.”

On the 15th, 16th and 17th Novem­ber, mem­bers of the pub­lic can attend The Veuve Clic­quot Wid­ow Series, ‘Rebels’ at Barge­house, Oxo Tower Wharf, SE1

Tick­et Price: £22 (includes a glass of Veuve Clic­quot Yel­low Label Brut)

Thursday 15th Novem­ber Slot 1: 6pm – 8pm Slot 2: 9pm – 11pm

Fri­day 16th Novem­ber Slot 1: 6pm – 8pm Slot 2: 9pm – 11pm

Sat­urday 17th Novem­ber Slot 1: 6pm – 8pm Slot 2: 9pm – 11pm

For more inform­a­tion vis­it:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.