@TOHHNYC The Temple of Hip Hop Celebrates Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2014

The Temple of Hip Hop, foun­ded by KRS-One, is a Mass Archive School and Soci­ety (M.A.S.S.) that works towards pre­serving the Kul­ture of HIP HOP through health, love, aware­ness, and wealth (H.L.A.W) all over the globe. Dur­ing the 3rd week of May, the Temple of Hip Hop aims to mag­ni­fy the her­it­age of Hip Hop cul­ture with Hip Hop Appre­ci­ation Week, a full week revolving around a chosen theme to show sup­port and love to the cul­ture of Hip Hop. As described by founder and Teacha, KRS-One “Her­it­age is that which may be inher­ited; it is the his­tory that one’s chil­dren rely upon to define them­selves. This year, let us medi­ate on what kind of his­tory we are build­ing for ourselves and for the children.”

The week, May 19th – 26th, will be presen­ted by the Temple of Hip Hop through a series of social media inter­ac­tions, a song and video inspired by the theme of the week (her­it­age), on-going work­shops, and events geared toward the ele­ments of Hip Hop. In addi­tion to events presen­ted by TOH­H­NYC, the organ­iz­a­tion will also be shar­ing and sup­port­ing those organ­iz­a­tion that work toward pre­serving the his­tory and pres­ence of Hip Hop cul­ture that are plan­ning events in hon­or of HHAW2014.

“We all hope to leave a leg­acy that the gen­er­a­tions after us may cel­eb­rate, be inspired by, and cher­ish in their life­time. While appre­ci­at­ing the works of our present, we hope to make our past proud by evolving it, mak­ing a swift and steady uphill jour­ney toward the future. With hopes the cycle can con­tin­ue to make our pres­ence an ever­last­ing stamp in his­tory, the her­it­age is kept alive. This is the reas­on Hip Hop is still around 40+ years later. As every gen­er­a­tion comes into their own, Hip Hop has been there to be the voice to the voice­less, the hope for the hope­less, and the light at the end of a chaot­ic tun­nel that rep­res­ents the fight still left in us when our backs are against the wall. And it’s that time of year again to col­lect­ively show appreciation.”

Temple of HIp Hop cel­eb­rates Hip Hop Appre­ci­ation Week 2014 theme of “HER­IT­AGE” with this inter­na­tion­al single fea­tur­ing: Sanc­hez ONE TOHH NYC, Ras Kalipssus TOHH Colom­bia, Dre Phar­oh TOHH Canada, Gnomico TOHH Dom, Rep. & Desire Nobil­ity TOHH MIAMI. Music & Scratches by Down2earth Productions.

Stay in touch with the Temple of Hip Hop NYC
Face­book: Temple of Hip Hop NYC
Twit­ter: @TOHHNYC
Ins­tagram: TOHHNYC


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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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