Multi-award-win­ning Steam Down, whose fiery mix of afro-swing, grime, jazz and future soul has led them to become one of the Lon­don music scene’s most-talked-about groups, have recor­ded a ver­sion of Wayne Shorter’s Etcet­era for the upcom­ing Blue Note Re:imagined album. Ori­gin­ally recor­ded as the title track on Shorter’s 1965 Blue Note release, Steam Down’s ver­sion of Etcet­era, fea­tur­ing the tri­umphant vocals of Afro­naut Zu, encap­su­lates the group’s infec­tious energy and radi­ates a defi­ant, sharp-edged atti­tude. Stream here: 

Steam Down fea­tur­ing Afro­naut Zu – Etcet­era 

Steam Down’s Ahnansé:

“Wayne Short­er has long been my favour­ite sax­o­phon­ist and com­poser in jazz. Rework­ing Etcet­era from his legendary Blue Note cata­logue is a child­hood dream come true.”

Blue Note, which cel­eb­rated its mile­stone 80th anniversary in 2019, boasts an illus­tri­ous cata­logue that traces the entire his­tory of jazz, and the Re:imagined pro­ject fea­tures music ori­gin­ally cre­ated by some of its most legendary alumni. Along­side Steam Down’s cov­er of Wayne Shorter’s Etcet­era are rework­ings of tracks by the likes of Herbie Han­cock, Bobby Hutcher­son, Joe Hende­r­son, Don­ald Byrd, Eddie Hende­r­son, McCoy Tyn­er and Andrew Hill. The full track­list is as follows:

Jorja Smith — Rose Rouge

Ezra Col­lect­ive — Footprints

Poppy Ajudha — Water­mel­on Man (Under The Sun)

Jordan Rakei — Wind Parade

Skinny Pelembe — Illu­sion (Silly Apparition)

Alfa Mist — Galaxy

Ish­mael Ensemble — Search for Peace

Nubya Gar­cia — A Shade of Jade

Steam Down feat Afro­naut Zu — Etcetera

Blue Lab Beats — Montara

Yazmin Lacey — I’ll Nev­er Stop Lov­ing You

Fieh — Armageddon

Mr Jukes — Maid­en Voyage

Shabaka Hutch­ings — Prints Tie

Melt Your­self Down — Carib­bean Fire Dance

Emma-Jean Thack­ray — Speak No Evil / Night Dreamer

Stream the Blue Note Re:imagined playl­ist, which fea­tures the ori­gin­al Blue Note record­ings along­side the reima­gined ver­sions, HERE.

Steam Down’s Etcet­eraPoppy Ajudha’s Water­mel­on Man,  Skinny Pelembe’s Illu­sionJorja Smith’s Rose Rouge, and Ezra Collective’s Foot­prints are out now. Addi­tion­al singles will be released across the com­ing weeks and the full album will be released on Septem­ber 25th 2020.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.