The UK’s lead­ing inde­pend­ent fest­iv­al of emer­ging music, arts and dis­cov­ery, Sound City, is back in Liv­er­pool in 2019, fol­low­ing on from this year’s spec­tac­u­lar sold out edition.

            And the fest­iv­al now proudly reveals the first wave of artist join­ing them across Sat­urday 4th – Sunday 5th May across the city’s icon­ic Balt­ic Tri­angle. Embra­cing the wild spir­it of dis­cov­ery, the elec­tric­ally-charged fest­iv­al is again set to show­case 100s of the very best emer­ging bands, artists and per­formers from across the world and closer to home, as well as genre-defin­ing head­liners. Tick­ets go on sale 10am Fri­day 26th October.

Cham­pioned as Britain’s new hope in hip hop, Loyle Carner is a true voice of his gen­er­a­tion. A lyr­ic­al geni­us, street poet and word­smith who cap­tures the mood of his con­tem­por­ar­ies, he elec­tri­fies audi­ences as much as he inspires them. See­ing him per­form at Sound City on Sunday 5th May is going to be incred­ibly spe­cial. Saturday’s head­liner Mabel is a mes­mer­ic child of the hal­cy­on-age of 00s R&B, har­ness­ing the energy of her idols from that hal­lowed era. She has also col­lab­or­ated with every­one from Stormzy to Tate Mod­ern and toured with Harry Styles to Bryson Tiller, and is already an ebul­li­ent icon­ic pop icon. Liverpool’s own star Louis Berry has gone from hav­ing Radio 1’s Hot­test Record in the World to hon­ing his mer­cur­i­al style as a widely feted genre-skip­ping artist, who has audi­ences eat­ing out of the palm of his hand one moment to mosh­ing to .45 the next. He will be keep­ing it very much real at Sound City. And The Magic Gang are one of the UK’s most excit­ing new gui­tar bands. Their recent eponym­ous debut album achieved great acclaim, an uplift­ing show­case brim­ming with their youth­ful exuberance.

They are joined by a wealth of fur­ther artists in the first announce­ment, includ­ing (A‑Z): Alligator, Ben­in City, Cous­in Kula, Dan­cing on Tables, Dayo Bello, Dot, Emily Burns, Giant Rooks, Good­ies, Harry Miller, Heavy Lungs, Indigo Lo, Jvck James, Molly Rain­ford, Monks, Our Girl, Red Rum Club, Roman Lewis, Ryan McMul­lan, Salt­water Sun, Soph­ie and the Giants, Spinn, SPQR, Tamu Mas­sif, Tracky and Vis­tas. 100s more artists will be revealed soon.

The fest­iv­al week­end will start with the Sound City+ con­fer­ence on Fri­day 4th May, fea­tur­ing a full day of illu­min­at­ing, enga­ging and inspir­ing key­note speeches, inter­views, roundtable debates, work­shops, busi­ness meet­ings and much more at Liverpool’s his­tor­ic Cunard Building.

Sound City Liv­er­pool is the only major show­case and industry event for pop­u­lar music tal­ent devel­op­ment in the North. This year, Sound City very proudly became one of Arts Coun­cil England’s Nation­al Port­fo­lio Organ­isa­tions for 2018–22 receiv­ing £200k per year to sup­port tal­ent devel­op­ment for artists and industry via Sound City, Sound City+, Sound City Korea, Off the Record and Sound City Music Entre­pren­eur Train­ing through­out the year. In 2018 Sound City also com­mis­sioned the hub con­sultancy to do an inde­pend­ent eval­u­ation on the fest­iv­al and con­fer­ence.  The hub cal­cu­lated that Sound City 2018 had an impact of £1.15m to Liv­er­pool City Region and 1.43m to England’s eco­nomy; the return on invest­ment for every £1 of Arts Coun­cil Eng­land invest­ment is £30. Since 2008, Sound City have worked with over 3000 emer­ging artists and 20,000 industry pro­fes­sion­als and cre­ated hun­dreds of jobs across the sec­tor via its U.K. and Inter­na­tion­al initiatives.

Rebecca Ayres, Sound City’s Man­aging Dir­ect­or, explains: “We are all incred­ibly proud to announce the first artists join­ing us in May 2019 for the 12th Sound City. With Loyle Carner and Mabel we have two of the lead­ing artists of their gen­er­a­tion, and sup­port from a wide range of emer­ging tal­ent includ­ing our own Louis Berry. Earli­er this year, we had a truly magic­al return back to our roots in Liverpool’s Balt­ic Tri­angle with our sold out 11th edi­tion. It was an incred­ible week­end for all who atten­ded from right around the world. And for 2019 we will very much con­tin­ue to cham­pi­on new music and the next wave of stars in the mak­ing which is Sound City’s found­ing eth­os, as well as fur­ther embra­cing diversity and equal­ity in everything we do as a fest­iv­al, from right here the office and our team to the lineup itself, and everything inbetween. We are also all incred­ibly happy to have been nom­in­ated for Best Met­ro­pol­it­an Fest­iv­al and Best Small Fest­iv­al at the UK Fest­iv­al Awards 2018, which are great accol­ades for every­one involved.”

Sound City
Fri­day 3rd – Sunday 5th May 2019
Tak­ing place across Balt­ic Tri­angle, Liverpool
Twit­ter: @soundcity / Insta:  @liverpoolsoundcity


About Sound City

Sound City is the brand respons­ible for organ­ising a range of boutique music, media and tech­no­logy fest­ivals and con­fer­ences around the world. Since its incep­tion, it has designed, delivered, mar­keted and hos­ted events in cit­ies on three con­tin­ents that range from a series of shows, con­fer­ences and product and ser­vice launches to full music and arts fest­ivals and cre­at­ive and digit­al indus­tries con­fer­ences. Sound City con­sist­ently deliv­ers high qual­ity, high cal­ibre events that have been acclaimed by audi­ences and crit­ics alike. Sound City owned events include Liv­er­pool Sound City fest­iv­al and con­fer­ence, Dubai Sound City, Tromso Sound City New York Sound City, Gate­way to the Asi­an Music Mar­kets, Sound City Korea and Sounds of the Xity, Beijing and China.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.