Video + Lyrics : Shay D ‘Set Her Free’

Shay D returns with some hard hit­ting mater­i­al, empower­ing lyr­ics and to do what she does best — raise aware­ness on issues that need a plat­form. Check out the video and lyr­ics to one of her latest tracks ‘Set Her Free’. Com­ment­ing on her reas­ons for releas­ing the track, Shay D states “It is a com­mon story of domest­ic viol­ence hap­pen­ing as you read this, unheard by the hip hop com­munity in all of it’s misogyny.”


Head feels weak Bel­lies hurt­ing again
Car dead quiet till they drop off her friend
Ten­sion filling up her heart with dread
Won’t dare move an inch she won’t turn her head
Knuckles turn white as he grips on the steering
Signs of rage are quickly appearing
Eyes full of fear as she knows whats nearing
Tries not to blink itll bate up the tearing
Pull up to the yard and he opens the door
Runs round to her side
‘get the fuk out u whore’
Drags her out as she’s heav­ing inside
But she knows bet­ter than to let our her cry
He slams shut the door He punches her low
Hold­ing her belly She can’t breathe from the blow
He knows where to hit her now so it won’t show
When she goes to work – not a single soul would know

Know Your Rights. Love you first
Speak Your Truth. Know your worth
Trust Your Gut. Let It Be
Set Her Free. Set Her Free

Regain our respect n Drop the know­ledge On ’em
Every single one of you was birthed from a woman

How can a boy be remorseful
When theres toys under the tree like grand theft auto
Viol­ence to women as if normal
So dis­il­lu­sioned by the images in pornos
Who is the object and who gets to be forceful
Who makes the money whose at at the top and more so
Who decides whats sexy and whats voluptuous
Is beauty in the eye of the behold­er or Presumptuous
Its All pre­val­ent we are not just skin on a skeleton
Women are intel­li­gent, invent­ors of medicine
The right to be president
Fight to be relevant
Moth­er nature is the root to all of your elements
Domest­ic viol­ence on your own doorstep
One Every minute But whats not reported
Regain our respect n Drop the know­ledge On ’emm
Every single one of you was birthed from a woman

He pushed up on the mir­ror and told her to watch
I didn’t wife no hoe but that’s what ive got
That ring on your fin­ger it means that youre mine
Smil­ing at man in the club like im blind
Her make up smudged from the tears that she sobbed
Her forced her to take it inno­cence robbed
He didn’t even wanna go out in the first place
He said he’d make up for ruin­ing her birthday
When did it change man when did she let him
Every night she cries regret­ting that she met him
Too shook to leave too shook to breathe
Bat­tling dig­nity that no one would believe
Con­vin­cing her­self that she does have a pur­pose ard when youre told daily that youre worthless
Will she leave will she run
This story may belong to any daugh­ter or mum

If any­one is exper­i­en­cing any anxi­et­ies about domest­ic viol­ence or men­tal bul­ly­ing please con­tact
Second song from Shay D’s debut album “A Fig­ure of Speech” Released 12 Feb 2016
Fol­low on @shaydrap on twit­ter, Ins­tagram, sound­cloud & FB.


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.