A lot of anti­cip­a­tion and buzz for the launch of Real Deal that the Hip Hop Com­munity and myself couldn’t con­tain. Emcees where sharpen­ing their mind body and soul whilst the organ­isers worked hard to leave no stone unturned.  Chip Shop’s repu­ta­tion alone was a guar­an­teed atmo­sphere that real Hip Hop heads could indulge in so it was a can’t miss night from the word.

Logic Army’s vis­ion organ­ised and re-birthed a long lost heart­break when in 2007 Deal Real closed it’s doors.  The cha­ris­mat­ic mas­ter of cere­mon­ies on the night Cap­it­al Jors gave a brief his­tory of the record store Deal Real that laid the inspir­ing brick work for the even­ing. The title Real Deal is obvi­ously a homage paid to the infam­ous record store in Soho that har­boured so many UK Hip Hop tal­ent and drew so many estab­lished US artist like Kanye West , GZA and Mos Def.

It was a typ­ic­al wel­come walk­ing into the Chip Shop with banging beats, nod­ding heads and all smiles. Deli­cious food cir­cu­lated the room; Craft beers poured and Emcees where mum­bling their rhymes to them­selves.  Before I sat down with a mate who was in awe exper­i­en­cing his first time in the Chip Shop, I walked up to Logic and Mike to shake hands and show love for the event. The clock was reach­ing 9:30ish I believe, Mighty Moe was spin­ning in the back­ground and we were chat­ting Hip Hop with good people we nev­er met before. The golden clip­board was passed around like a splif with more than 20 emcee’s sig­na­tures to step to the plate. A small announce­ment from Cap­it­al Jors and finally he soun­ded for the Bell around 10pm.

Emcees came out the gate like a bat out of hell and people’s faces turned into that strange smell look which recog­nise sick Emcees spit­ing flames. I failed to men­tion that apart from Logic Army, UK Hip Hop roy­alty was in the build­ing with Mic Right­eous, Rod­ney P and Skinny Man so we expec­ted noth­ing less but people’s A game.


Sep­ar­at­ing Emcees was more dif­fi­cult than expec­ted as a lot soun­ded seasoned and nat­ur­al behind the micro­phone. Every­one has their own tastes and opin­ions but all received love and sup­port who­ever touched the stage. Cap­it­al Jors hyped the per­form­ances per­fectly and when all names were crossed he made a spe­cial announce­ment which we all were excited for. Mic Right­eous was announced to touch the Mic and we knew we were in for some­thing spe­cial.  After a little bit of friendly banter, Mic pro­ceeded to poor his heart and soul into his per­form­ance like he always does which deman­ded com­plete atten­tion. Every­one was moved. His visu­als and stor­ies painted emo­tions address­ing cul­tur­al and men­tal health issues along­side his­tory.  After a sig­ni­fic­ant per­form­ance, Mic embraced every­body and faded back to wit­ness end­less Emcees jump on the micro­phone inspired and in admir­a­tion of what they just saw.

The clos­ing of the even­ing got people stomp­ing the feet, buy­ing rounds and emcees mag­net­ised on the Mic. I saw pure hap­pi­ness on logic’s face on a job well done and appre­ci­ation from all that reached.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Chip Shop is the heart of Hip Hop when it comes to Lon­don. This is home and Logic Army found anoth­er way to make ourselves feel home. The next event is the 5th of June and there is no reas­on not to swing by. It’s the first Tues­day of every month as well and you’ll prob­ably catch me at all of them.  Check out realdea­lo­pen­m­ic on ins­tagram, the Chip Shop Bxtn web­site, I Am Hip Hop magazine, The Big Bang Show on Reprezent radio 107.3 FM And The Hip Hop back In The Day Show on West­side 89.6 FM for your Hip Hop fix. Catch you at the next one. Peace!




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Emcee, Radio Host, Journ­al­ist and Hip Hop junkie unwill­ing to go to rehab! Lon­don is my home and if there is a live per­form­ance cham­pi­on­ing the Hip Hop cul­ture, you’ll hear from me on what I think and you’ll prob­ably catch me there doing back­flips amongst Boom Bap sounds. Banging through your radio waves, check me on West­side 89.6 FM on The Hip Hop Back In The Day Show and on Reprezent Radio 107.3 FM on The Big Bang Show with DJ J HART. I’m here to pre­serve the cul­ture, add to it and bring you that UK fla­vour aswell. Fol­low me on @reignofsire.

About SIRE

Emcee, Radio Host, Journalist and Hip Hop junkie unwilling to go to rehab! London is my home and if there is a live performance championing the Hip Hop culture, you’ll hear from me on what I think and you’ll probably catch me there doing backflips amongst Boom Bap sounds. Banging through your radio waves, check me on Westside 89.6 FM on The Hip Hop Back In The Day Show and on Reprezent Radio 107.3 FM on The Big Bang Show with DJ J HART. I’m here to preserve the culture, add to it and bring you that UK flavour aswell. Follow me on @reignofsire.