I am Hip-Hop Magazine’s Sire meets Síah. Síah was born in Hack­ney, East Lon­don UK. He has been writ­ing and record­ing music from the age of 13 and com­bines a vari­ety of char­ac­ter­ist­ics from dif­fer­ent genres in order to cre­ate his unique sound. He has made his name today col­lab­or­at­ing with well-known names and faces in the UK scene includ­ing the likes of Krept and Kon­an, Sneakbo, Merc­ston, and many others.

Fol­low him here to find out more:

Down­load his music here:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Emcee, Radio Host, Journ­al­ist and Hip Hop junkie unwill­ing to go to rehab! Lon­don is my home and if there is a live per­form­ance cham­pi­on­ing the Hip Hop cul­ture, you’ll hear from me on what I think and you’ll prob­ably catch me there doing back­flips amongst Boom Bap sounds. Banging through your radio waves, check me on West­side 89.6 FM on The Hip Hop Back In The Day Show and on Reprezent Radio 107.3 FM on The Big Bang Show with DJ J HART. I’m here to pre­serve the cul­ture, add to it and bring you that UK fla­vour aswell. Fol­low me on @reignofsire.

About SIRE

Emcee, Radio Host, Journalist and Hip Hop junkie unwilling to go to rehab! London is my home and if there is a live performance championing the Hip Hop culture, you’ll hear from me on what I think and you’ll probably catch me there doing backflips amongst Boom Bap sounds. Banging through your radio waves, check me on Westside 89.6 FM on The Hip Hop Back In The Day Show and on Reprezent Radio 107.3 FM on The Big Bang Show with DJ J HART. I’m here to preserve the culture, add to it and bring you that UK flavour aswell. Follow me on @reignofsire.