LORDS OF THE UNDER­GROUND at The Fox and Fir­kin,  Lew­isham on Sunday 15th April 2018

It can­’t be just me think­ing these guys still live as ever?  I first saw them 6 years ago at Sil­ver Bul­let, a sim­il­arly intim­ate ven­ue. Hay­ley Squires landed anoth­er one in South Lon­don this time.  Who would expect to walk in their loc­al pub on a Sunday night and see LOTUG doing their thing? Props to Car­pet­face for hold­ing down the stage, free­styl­ing and beat box­ing for way longer than the 5 minutes he was sched­uled for ‑as tech­nic­al grem­lins had come into play (des­pite the sound­check). I’ve always felt that Lords of the Under­ground have a dif­fer­ent edge to oth­ers from their era, I think that’s why I have a soft spot for them. The sound is funky, their style and con­tent is real, but with an ele­ment of fun, which most def­in­itely comes through even bet­ter live.

The gig:
Lord Jazz sets up the clas­sic tunes to tease the audi­ence before he switches up and blends them into the LOTUG anthems we all know and love!
When Funke and Doitall set foot on stage it’s like an elec­tri­city bolt shoots through them!  I’m stand­ing lit­er­ally under­neath the duo, in awe of the energy and fire they pos­sess as they show such strength and vigour rhym­ing into the mics, their deliv­ery is sharp as they move around the small stage and inter­act with the audi­ence on such a friendly level, you can see they’re feed­ing off our excite­ment! The intim­acy between stage and the floor is real, we lit­er­ally could­n’t be any closer.

I had the pleas­ure of being with a friend who’d nev­er seen them live des­pite being a fan, I was excited for him as I remem­ber being that close my first time see­ing them, and they just reset my gig exper­i­ence but­ton to Chief Rocka No.1! I could reel off the tunes but that’s stand­ard review mater­i­al, all I know is I’d go see them again, and again. I’d say they deserve a big­ger stage although the intim­ate atmo­sphere is fant­ast­ic.… and with bet­ter lighting.…just so I can get some cool pics 😉
The guys hung out with us after­wards and toasted the fans who made their careers a suc­cess,  it was a pleas­ure to share and con­ver­sate with these intel­li­gent men who have alot to share.
Wish­ing Doitall Du Kelly all the best in his run for Coun­cil­man in Newark New Jer­sey on 8th May, doing it for the com­munity. To Mr Funke, suc­cess with his new album DEUS EX MACH­INA pt 1.… Watch out for him head­lining at 4our Pil­lars event on 14th July.

In the mean­time tune in on a Fri­day night around 11pm UK time,  to DJ Lord Jazz’s mix­show on Face­book live (Lords of the Under­ground fan­page) for the new, real Hip Hop.… Edu­ca­tion is key!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Sally Mur­row aka Sal­freckles is a Lon­don­er who works in early edu­ca­tion, she has a back­ground in graph­ic design and finds inspir­a­tion for her art from hip hop rhymes and culture.

About Salfreckles

Sally Murrow aka Salfreckles is a Londoner who works in early education, she has a background in graphic design and finds inspiration for her art from hip hop rhymes and culture.