At long last we can say fest­ivals are back in full swing this sum­mer. Many fest­iv­al goers might be feel­ing pess­im­ist­ic as to wheth­er the com­plete fest­iv­al exper­i­ence will remain, but if you tired of see­ing the same old scenery 😉 then book the next South Facing event ASAP!

Over the years I have ven­tured to many fest­ivals and found that any top fest­iv­al must excel in these major cat­egor­ies; Music, Ven­ue, Crowd and Food & Drink. I went there invest­ig­at­ing how each of these aspects would perform.

Music: 45

 It is fair to say the line-up for South Facing fest­iv­al wasn’t as stacked as oth­er fest­iv­al sim­il­ar but boy did it deliv­er. Truth­fully that is down to the head­liner, Dizzee Ras­cal and The Out­look Orches­tra. Before we get into his per­form­ance we must dis­sect the rest of the line-up.

Not going to name names but the major­ity of the acts were there to warm up the crowd and struggled to do so. Shout out to Dreya Mac & Sir Spyro how­ever, for shelling it. It wasn’t the first time I saw the spe­cial guest Ghetts pre­form at a fest­iv­al and I doubt it will be the last. If you’re a fan of his music I am sure he is incred­ible, if you’re a fan of music you can appre­ci­ate what he is doing, if your neither… you’re just wait­ing for him to finish.

Now time for the main event of the even­ing. Dizzee Ras­cal! What.A.Show. It was everything I was hop­ing for from a Dizzee Ras­cal set and more. The live band added an extra ele­ment of great­ness and grand­ness. Fit­ting for one of the great UK artists. On top of that he was giv­en an hour and twenty minutes (often rare for a head­liner) which he filled with all his bangers. There was a sense of relief when he opened with ‘Just a Ras­cal’ and from then on, he dropped tune after tune after tune.

Ven­ue: 3.5/5

Crys­tal Palace Bowl is a his­tor­ic ven­ue, pre­vi­ously host­ing some huge legends such as Bob Mar­ley. Look­ing up the ven­ue looks like before­hand I was a bit dis­ap­poin­ted that the stage wasn’t sur­roun­ded by a pond, that if the mood was right we could all jump in. Instead we got a moat. Hav­ing said this the ven­ue was what you would expect for a small one-day event. Short queues get­ting in and even short­er ones get­ting to the toilets.

I was very impressed with the sound sys­tem they had and over­all that is the most import­ant thing. The areas they could improve on though would have to be the light and entrain­ment sys­tem. It was a bit dull, a lack of fire­works, smoke, lasers, con­fetti. But that’s just me being picky.

Crowd: 2.7/5

I was quick to real­ise I was in the young­er demo­graph­ic for this fest­iv­al, exclud­ing the couple of infants being treated to their first live music event. It was fair enough con­sid­er­ing Dizzee’s cata­logue stretches back 25 years. Through­out the day the crowd inter­ac­tion was almost non-exist­ent. It was not the sort of fest­iv­al where you are con­stantly won­der­ing off to make friends and start dan­cing with strangers. Many people pre­pared for a sit down do and had bought along their own blankets. It wasn’t until Ghetts turned up that the crowd quickly followed.

Food & Drink: 45

DANK. The food was dank. And that would remain the same no mat­ter how much you drank. They had more choices of cuisine than a Lan­zarote hotel but with the street food qual­ity that gets you excited to spend the high prices. I would highly recom­mend the cheesy chips and pizza.

With the drink you still have to pay the stu­pid prices that as fest­iv­al goers we have come to accept. But they have great options. From beer to canned rum and coke, the bar has you covered.

Over­all: 3.6/5

 Oh, what a day.

Pho­to­graphy By Luke Dyson

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Oscar Green

Oscar is straight out of North West Lon­don. A music enthu­si­ast who loves any­thing from Hip-Hop to Reg­gae to Drum and Bass. He is always on the hunt for new music and runs an events/blog page on Ins­tagram

About Oscar Green

Oscar is straight out of North West London. A music enthusiast who loves anything from Hip-Hop to Reggae to Drum and Bass. He is always on the hunt for new music and runs an events/blog page on Instagram