
Hip Hop Pion­eer, CEO of Hip Hop Move­ment, Author, and former mem­ber of New York State Demo­crat Com­mit­tee, Ron­ald Sav­age aka Bee-Stinger, announces the launch of the Hip Hop Move­ment Stream­ing Chan­nel on ROKU TV.

Hip is the Cul­ture Hop is the Move­ment” ‑Ron­ald Sav­age aka Bee-Stinger

Catch­ing up with Sav­age, he had this to say about the launch, As own­er who trade­marked Hip Hop Move­ment it was only right to bring real mean­ing to the table and the fore­front. I wanted to make it a real ser­vice for artists regard­less of their rank in the industry. ROKU is the #1 stream­ing chan­nel world­wide and that’s just where the move­ment and Hip Hop need to be.”

 Sav­age went on to add, “Hip Hop Move­ment is an on-demand chan­nel on ROKU TV and we air everything from Hip Hop to inde­pend­ent movies, short films, and movie clips. You can head over to Hip Hop Move­ment Open Mic Tour for our show where you can also tune in and hear me speak on social injustices and more.”


Hip Hop Move­ment Steam­ing Chan­nel on ROKU TV


Ron Sav­age busi­ness inquir­ies or ROKU TV submissions

Con­nect with Hip Hop Move­ment on Face­book | Ins­tagram | Amazon | Web­site


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!