Texas nat­ives JLC and Judy Drama recruit Melbourne’s Dee Stakz for new single/video titled “Wel­come to Da Jungle.” This fierce trio is unstop­pable and on the move with noth­ing to lose. They can sur­vive the jungle in all forms and come out on top of the game. The Cine­mat­ic pro­duc­tion height­ens the raw and gritty lyrics…Connect the dots while they claim their earned respect. Watch the video and get the inside scoop on “Wel­come to Da Jungle” below.

MJ:  Before we jump into the video, how did every­one link up, espe­cially with Dee Stakz who resides in Melbourne?

JLC: It basic­ally star­ted from Ins­tagram with Dee Stakz show­ing love and reached out to me with mar­ket­ing ques­tions. While I was grow­ing and mov­ing in the scene, I watched him grow as well. I had a track that I wanted a dif­fer­ent sound and knew with his char­ac­ter and tal­ent that it would be a hit. He came through with a verse, for the video, and the rest is his­tory!  As far as Judy, I kept her hear­ing her name in the scene and pop­ping up on social media. I was drawn to her style and sway and the fact that she was also from Texas. We con­nec­ted, and again the rest is history.

MJ:  What was the goal with this single/video? Let us in on the pro­cess from the cre­at­ive spark to the finale. Is it receiv­ing the prop­er accol­ades you were expect­ing it to?

JLC: The goal was to provide fans with some­thing they can relate to and show them they can come out as we did and to reach as many as we can! I came up with the idea as I was rid­ing through my old hood in Fort Worth and just think­ing how bad it was back in the day. I mean you had to con­stantly watch your back and watch who you let in your circle and it was people con­stantly get­ting robbed and set up. It’s like that now, but back in the 90’s it was three times as bad. As of now it’s noth­ing but good reviews and it’s just been a couple of weeks, as it spreads, we are look­ing for­ward to see­ing how dif­fer­ent crowds respond.

MJ:  Was it dif­fi­cult to shoot the video dur­ing a heightened peri­od of COV­ID-19? Why is it import­ant for you to con­tin­ue to cur­ate dur­ing the pandemic?

JLC: Actu­ally, it was easy. It was kind of an in and out thing when you shoot so many videos you just do your thing and roll out, and I think I can speak on behalf of every­body on that note! I believe it was Dee Stakz’s first video, but you would nev­er know it, he handled busi­ness! The pan­dem­ic is an oppor­tun­ity for more expos­ure as people are watch­ing more TV and have more of an online presence.

MJ:  Talk about the chem­istry between the three of you and how indi­vidu­al styles com­pli­men­ted one another.

JLC: Every­body is just down to earth and got jokes so that really makes it easy when every­one has the same goal in mind and takes their careers ser­i­ously. Our styles in my opin­ion with each verse is a dif­fer­ent feel and dif­fer­ent tone, talk­ing about a dif­fer­ent scen­ario with the same top­ic, and it makes it both inter­est­ing and captivating.

MJ:  Take a minute to share with fans about upcom­ing solo or more col­lab­or­at­ive projects.

JLC: I can­’t talk about that…but we have a lot of people watch­ing us and don’t want us, espe­cially me, to go far in the industry. Our ideas are unique, and we must keep them secured until it’s release time.

MJ:  Please take a moment to share any­thing else fans should be on the lookout for and how they can con­nect with you for updates and new music.

JLC: They can go to Amazon and read my E‑Book “Hip Hop Mar­ket­ing A Dirty Game” for some tips on mar­ket­ing. I have some col­lab­or­a­tions in the works and more music endeavors on the way so stay tuned. Fol­low me on Ins­tagram @jlcaagrecords, on Twit­ter @allaroundaag, on Face­book at AAG Records, and on the web at

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!