Today enig­mat­ic Brit­ish rap­per UKN­WN releases new single ‘Bussdown’.

Pro­duced by Hon­ey­wood­six and Jaime La Cree‘Bussdown’ is the second track to be lif­ted from UKNWN’s forth­com­ing 22 Mix­tape, (due out in June), and fol­lows the March released single ‘Adele’ with the accom­pa­ny­ing music video dir­ec­ted by Meeks and Frost. In keep­ing with the sig­na­ture sound UKN­WN has become acclaimed for, ‘Bussdown’ pairs dis­tinct­ive melod­ies with a spacey, sum­mery beat, provid­ing the ideal, escap­ist back­drop for his trap-ori­ent­ated, swag­ger infused bars. “Bussdown is about striv­ing for the best.” Says Ukn­wn. “It’s about look­ing for the best and hav­ing the best in life.”

The visu­al­iser for ‘Bussdown’, cre­ated by The Mid­night Club (who have worked on cam­paigns for Nike, Adi­das and more), fol­lows a Grand Theft Auto inspired theme. A nod to UKNWN’s pas­sion for Gam­ing, this aes­thet­ic will res­on­ate through­out all the forth­com­ing imagery and visu­als for the upcom­ing 22 Mix­tape.

22 will be UKNWN’s debut mix­tape and sees him col­lab­or­ate with pro­du­cers Hon­ey­wood­sixJaime La CreeJay Youngs and Cage­beats. Fol­low­ing UKNWN’s inde­pend­ently released eponym­ously titled debut EP (2017) and Leper EP (2018), 22 is his first long play­er pro­ject to be released via Relent­less Records, who he signed to earli­er this year, join­ing label mates Head­ie One and Frosty.

Through work­ing with some of the UK’s hot­test under­ground Trap pro­du­cers, 22 year old, Lon­don based UKN­WN has craf­ted his own dis­tinct­ive take on the Wavy, Trap sound which has garnered him sup­port from the likes of Com­plex, GRM Daily, Mix­tape Mad­ness and more. Renowned for his elu­sive per­sona, UKN­WN is an artist, who in his own words is “heard not seen”. His trade­mark balaclava is a trib­ute to all the mis­fits and out­casts of the world with whom he iden­ti­fies: “I don’t enjoy being the centre of atten­tion. Genu­inely someone who doesn’t fit in — I’m an outcast”.

UKNWN’s ‘Bussdown deliv­ers a fur­ther taste of what is to come from his forth­com­ing 22 Mix­tape which is set to cement the Brit­ish rapper’s steady tra­ject­ory towards being one of London’s most hyped newcomers.



Fol­low Ukn­wn here:



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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.