Southend grime MC and spoken word artist, Sonny Green returns to the fore with his latest release Unfin­ished Busi­ness EP, set for release April 27th.

Fol­low­ing on from the acclaim which was built up after the release of ‘Grime is Punk’ volumes 1 and 2 in 2016, and the sub­sequent release of ‘All On Top (The Mix­tape)’  in 2017, Sonny used that found­a­tion to solid­i­fy his pos­i­tion on the UK scene.

The fact his music has been cham­pioned by a diverse range of out­lets includ­ing GRM Daily, BBC Radio 1Xtra and The Guard­i­an, is test­a­ment to his dex­ter­ity on the mic, as well as the obvi­ous enjoy­ment he gets from mak­ing and per­form­ing his music. As The Guard­i­an once said, he “deliv­ers grime with a big, toothy, shit-eat­ing grin”.

Sonny’s early shine earned him a res­id­ency at Dal­ston’s once infam­ous night­spot, Passing Clouds and he toured extens­ively with the legendary Asi­an Dub Found­a­tion. The 23 year old has notched up over 50 live per­form­ances across Europe, as well as accept­ing an invit­a­tion to record a live ses­sion at the hal­lowed Maida Vale Stu­di­os for BBC Introducing.

The Unfin­ished Busi­ness EP deliv­ers a fresh dose of his dis­tinct­ive vocal deliv­ery, con­fid­ent word­play and insight­ful lyr­i­cism that were offered on the Grime is Punk series, as Sonny enlists the ample tal­ents of AS.IF Kid to handle the production.

For him it was an easy choice — Work­ing with AS.IF kid was magic, he’s like the broth­er I nev­er had — he’s extremely tal­en­ted and I rate him as one of the best pro­du­cers in Bri­tain”.

His music­al cre­ativ­ity is borne from his belief in the value of free­dom of expres­sion, which con­tin­ues to thread itself through the EP. The res­ult is five sol­id tracks, ran­ging from the more stra­tegic dub-like feel of ‘Go Through’, to the more bois­ter­ous, loom­ing sounds of ‘Grat­it­ude Game’.

Sonny him­self had this to say about the pro­ject — This EP was made dur­ing a really emo­tion­al time of my life dur­ing and after my dad passing away. He was the strongest, but also a sens­it­ive man and would always wear his heart on his sleeve. His life was cut short, passing away at the age of 48 and he lives through me. We as a blood­line have unfin­ished busi­ness to attend to, and this is part of the jour­ney on the path to free­dom for all man­kind!

The EP is provides the ideal segue from our exten­ded winter into the sum­mer months and it prom­ises to con­tin­ue Sonny’s rise on the UK music scene and beyond.

Unfin­ished Busi­ness is due out on Host­age Records on 27 April. Order via iTunes here

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.