
The Scribes new 12 track album “Quill Equipped Vil­lainy” fea­tur­ing Akil the MC (Jur­as­sic 5), Too Many Tees and more com­ing Q1 2019! 

Avail­able on Band­camp, iTunes, Amazon, Spo­ti­fy, Google Playstore and all good online retailers!

The new single ‘Right­eous’ is taken from the group’s new album “Quill Equipped Vil­lainy” that fea­tures Akil The MC from Jur­as­sic 5 along with a host of UK and US acts, and is sponsored by THTC Cloth­ing, who sup­port a range of artists includ­ing Ed Sheer­an and For­eign Beg­gars. The track was chosen as the BBC Intro­du­cing South West Upload of the week and is avail­able now on iTunes, Spo­ti­fy and all good online retail­ers here.

The Scribes are a multi award win­ning hip hop three piece whose unique blend of beat­box­ing, off the cuff free­styl­ing and genre-span­ning music has cre­ated a live show quite unlike any oth­er on the scene today, with appeal ran­ging far bey­ond tra­di­tion­al hip hop fare.

The Scribes are sponsored by inde­pend­ent, eth­ic­al and fair trade cloth­ing com­pany THTC ( along­side artists such as Ed Sheer­an and For­eign Beg­gars and are signed with Amer­ic­an record label “Kami­kazi Air­lines”, based in LA and co-foun­ded by Dizzy Dustin of legendary hip hop act Ugly Duck­ling, as well as releas­ing mater­i­al on UK based label “Reel Me Records” (Laid Blak).

They have con­sist­ently proven to be an impress­ive and enga­ging live act with recent fest­iv­al appear­ances at Gla­ston­bury, Wil­der­ness Fest­iv­al, Sham­bala, Urb­an In Ibiza, Boomtown Fair, Beach Break, Leo­pal­loza, Maui Waui Fest­iv­al, St Pauls Car­ni­val, Little Orch­ard Fest­iv­al, Tunes In The Dunes, Elec­tric Beach, God­ney Gath­er­ing and many more and have toured extens­ively across the UK and onto Europe, includ­ing slots at pres­ti­gi­ous ven­ues such as Cam­den’s Jazz Café, Cargo, Bris­tol’s O2 Academy, Peter­bor­ough Arena and Ita­ly’s Meta­ponto Beach Festival.

The Scribes are also proud win­ners of both the Expos­ure Music Award’s “Best UK Urb­an Act” and the Eat­Music Radio Award’s “Best Live Act”, and have provided ori­gin­al music for BBC and Chan­nel 4 tele­vi­sion, as well as being fea­tured reg­u­larly on both nation­al and loc­al radio and media includ­ing BBC 1Xtra and BBC Radio 1 Introducing.

The Scribes are hotly tipped as one to watch live dates across the UK and Europe, as well as shar­ing the stage with the likes of Dizzee Ras­cal, Kel­is, The Wail­ers, Jur­as­sic 5, Rag N Bone Man, Sug­ar­hill Gang, Leth­al Bizzle, Macklemore, KRS One, Example, De La Soul, MF Doom, Souls Of Mis­chief and Wu Tang Clan’s GZA to name (drop) but a few, and are stead­ily estab­lish­ing a grow­ing fol­low­ing across the con­tin­ent to add to their already sig­ni­fic­ant fan base at home.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.