Legendary music icon Doodle­bug Cee-Know­ledge presents up and com­ing sing­er, song­writer, and record­ing artist KROWN.  The Tri-State area tal­en­ted and ver­sat­ile artist deliv­ers a mod­ern flow of Funk and Altern­at­ive Hip-Hop for all gen­er­a­tions of music pur­ists and enthu­si­asts to embrace.

KROWN’s debut pro­ject “Noth­ing Lasts Forever” is avail­able for free stream­ing and down­load. The mix­tape is exec­ut­ively pro­duced by Cee-Know­ledge with con­trib­ut­ing pro­duc­tion by Quickly Quickly, Steve Young, Beat­joven, LA Soulchyld, RIVR, Oui Lele, White­cliffs, Strk­fr, Krapf, and Cairo.

“I chose this as the name for my first pro­ject because I feel like those words per­fectly cap­ture the stage I’m at in life right now. The theme of this pro­ject is say­ing good­bye to the old me, the way I used to be, the things I used to believe, the way I used to see the world. This is a com­pil­a­tion of songs that pri­or to this, I would’ve been too scared to show any­one, let alone the world. At 22, This not only marks the begin­ning to my career but the begin­ning of who I truly am and what I’m truly sup­posed to be doing in this world. Because as they say, Noth­ing Last Forever..”–KROWN

The lead­ing single/video “Was­sup” describes a young man look­ing for love while weed­ing out decept­ive women and remain­ing focused on suc­cess. KROWN dis­plays inter­mit­tent jazzy vocals and ear cap­tiv­at­ing lyr­ics over an arrange­ment of fused soul and effer­ves­cent pro­duc­tion ori­gin­ally sampled from Don­ell Jone’s 1999 R&B hit “U Know What’s Up.”  Stream “Noth­ing Lasts Forever” on Band­camp.


KROWN’s move­ment in the music industry thus far hasn’t gone without notice or recog­ni­tion.  His jour­ney began early on in high school when he formed a rap group and released a few loc­al hits. From there he scored sev­er­al mod­el­ing gigs with BET, Phat Farm, and Nick­elodeon. After a brief hiatus KROWN ven­tured out to Los Angeles to rein­vent his music­al jour­ney and to evolve the record label and col­lect­ive Uplif­ted World.


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!