Present­ing “The Cab­in Fever EP”
- the long-awaited first instal­ment of award-win­ning Lon­don rap­per / pro­du­cer / song­writer CAR­PET­FACE’s eclect­ic new EP series “FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES“pro­duced in col­lab­or­a­tion once again with French beat­s­mith extraordin­aire DJAR ONE (Beats House Records)

A bru­tally hon­est 7‑track depic­tion of a single dad’s struggle to keep it togeth­er under 2020 lock­down, stuck in an isol­ated cab­in miss­ing fun and funer­als as the world out­side goes nuts.

DJAR ONE’s jazz-heavy, head-nod boom­bap pro­duc­tion sets a smoky scene for CAR­PET­FACE’s unre­lent­ing, often dis­turb­ing, yet highly relat­able maze of mood-swings. Des­pite the pain­ful sub­ject-mat­ter, the EP brims with tongue-twist­ing lyr­ic­al dex­ter­ity, filthy fun-pok­ing and pure Hip Hop guts. The end res­ult is a decept­ively enjoy­able exper­i­ence that mis­dir­ects the listen­er to a place of anguish and back, with an under­ly­ing theme of per­sever­ance in the face of adversity throughout.

This record is test­a­ment to the cath­artic value of Hip Hop expres­sion, altern­at­ing between aggress­ive rants of sneer­ing dis­gust at world-affairs and cries for help and for­give­ness, lit­er­ally climb­ing the walls in one man’s lonely quest for self-redemp­tion. Fol­low­ing Nina Simone’s man­tra “an artist’s duty is to refect the times”, while deeply per­son­al on one hand, THE CAB­IN FEVER EP is also a call to spir­itu­al arms in the glob­al battle against racism, cor­rup­tion and police/state bru­tal­ity, at one of the most divis­ive and alarm­ing peri­ods in human history.

Lead singles from the EP include the not-so-fest­ive sleigh­bell infused “Done & Dus­ted (F*ck 2020)”,
“Secret For­mula” - a dark, brood­ing track about facing demons with one bad trip of a music video drop­ping 4th Jan 2021 and the heav­ily shad­ow-banned “Def Defn­i­tion (No One Can Breathe)”  which was released July 2020 to crit­ic­al acclaim and sup­port from inde­pend­ent press and radio, with online video pro­mo­tion then sadly cen­sored due to depic­tions of police bru­tal­ity, des­pite being a fun­draiser for #Sto­pHateUK and con­demning unlaw­ful viol­ence. Please sup­port with a share:

The fol­lowup, FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES Vol.2 : “LOCK­DOWN / BLESSUP” is due for com­ple­tion mid ‑Spring 2021 with CAR­PET­FACE on more of a pro­duc­tion role with a Hip Hop / Reg­gae cros­sov­er vibe ft spe­cial guests.

fol­low CAR­PET­FACE:

fol­low DJAR ONE:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.