Brit­ish icon and legend Big Narstie returns to the sound­sphere along­side legendary Lover’s Rock singer/songwriter Kofi with a huge rework of Kofi’s 80s smash “Black Pride”– ref­er­en­cing his and oth­ers’ exper­i­ences grow­ing up as part of the Black com­munity in the UK.

Unleash­ing a power­ful mes­sage delving into the deep-rooted his­tory of Black Brit­ish cul­ture, Big Narstie uses his frank, immacu­late lyr­i­cism to under­line pride in both deal­ing with racism and pre­ju­dice, as well as the achieve­ments made des­pite attempts to hold the com­munity back.

Speak­ing on the single, Big Narstie states: “I’ve always embraced my cul­ture, it’s man’s her­it­age! I’m proud to come from South Lon­don and my Black Brit­ish exper­i­ence grow­ing up in Brix­ton. I’m also proud of my Jamaic­an roots. Big up every­one — Carib­bean to UK to Europe to Africa and bey­ond. BDL (Base Defence League) will con­tin­ue to rise and drive our cul­ture. Most of all big up the legend, Kofi, for bless­ing this ver­sion of the same, still rel­ev­ant mes­sage she put out back in the 80’s. This revolu­tion will be seen on Tik­tok as well across the nations!”

There is per­haps no big­ger per­son­al­ity across screens and radio waves right now than Big Narstie – the rap­per has swiftly developed his recent BAF­TA award-win­ning ‘The Big Narstie Show’ and last week saw the first of his nation­al radio shows on BBC R1Xtra – with future guests con­firmed includ­ing Ed Sheer­an. As the BAF­TAs, RTS Awards and Nation­al Real­ity TV Awards mount up, Big Narstie deliv­ers a hugely import­ant record for the cul­ture to remind every­one he’s still very much on the front line.

A key influ­ence with­in the first wave of Grime and UK in the early 2000s, Big Narstie has since clocked col­lab­or­a­tions with glob­al super­stars includ­ing Ed Sheer­an, Rob­bie Wil­li­ams and Enter Shi­kari, whilst being named Best Grime Act at the Urb­an Music Awards five times, her­al­ded as NOISEY’s Man of the Year and Per­son­al­ity of the Year at GRM Daily’s Rated Awards. With an Offi­cial UK Top 10 hit in ‘When The Bass­line Drops’ with Craig Dav­id already under his belt, Big Narstie con­tin­ues to hold sway over pop cul­ture, amass­ing close to 100M Spo­ti­fy streams and 44M views on You­Tube cement­ing his name in the upper ech­el­ons of the rap world.

As a rap­per, live per­former and per­son­al­ity, Big Narstie con­tin­ues to dom­in­ate the head­lines for all the right reas­ons – and with the release of ‘Black is My Col­our (Black Pride)’, 2022 looks set to be anoth­er mile­stone year for one of the UK’s most unortho­dox and com­pel­ling stars.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.