After a six-year hiatus, B‑Town War­ri­ors return with a massive old-school jazz/funk/trap anthem ‘B‑Town Biz’.
Bourke, NSW: The col­lect­ive com­prom­ises of mostly 20-year-old Indi­gen­ous people from Bourke in West­ern NSW, work­ing with OG char­ity organ­isa­tion Desert Pea Media. B‑Town War­ri­ors make their tri­umphant return with a hard-hit­ting real-world anthem called ‘B‑Town Biz’.

The track pulls no punches, cel­eb­rat­ing loc­al cul­tur­al iden­tity and bring­ing ‘truth telling’ dir­ect to Aus­trali­an air­waves. The tune fea­tures turn­tab­lism from Bliss & Eso pro­du­cer ‘IZM’ and beats from Sydney-based under­ground legend ‘HAZY’. The tune also intro­duces 20yr old Barkindji/Wangkumara artist from Bourke — ‘LAW­LESS’.

Since 2017, the B‑Town War­ri­ors (as 15-year-old high school stu­dents) in col­lab­or­a­tion with DPM have been renowned for their socially con­scious and polit­ic­ally impact­ful music that not only enter­tains but inspires change. Known for their high energy, razor-sharp hip hop bars and killer hooks, re-ignit­ing their ongo­ing col­lab­or­a­tion with the Desert Pea Media Cre­at­ive Team is a sig­ni­fic­ant moment for the crew and the community.

One of the B‑Town mem­bers Lor­raine Dut­ton aka LAW­LESS said, “If you wanna be a role mod­el. You’ve gotta stand up and speak for what you believe is right. No mat­ter who or what you’re up against – we’re all here for a reason.”
“This work is all about rela­tion­ships, trust, friend­ship. All the good stuff.” says Toby Fin­layson, Cre­at­ive Dir­ect­or of Desert Pea Media. “It’s such an hon­our to watch these amaz­ing young people grow, not only as artists and cre­at­ives but as people. It’s a deep priv­ilege to be invited on coun­try, and to con­trib­ute to this move­ment for truth-telling and cul­tur­al change.”

“Our work in Bourke and Moree over the past couple of dec­ades, and more recently through ‘The Cross­roads Pro­ject’ has been an incred­ible jour­ney of con­nec­tion and trans­form­a­tion” says Toby Fin­layson, Cre­at­ive Dir­ect­or of Desert Pea Media. “It’s an hon­our to watch these amaz­ing young people grow, not only as artists and cre­at­ives but as people. The power of music and media to bridge gaps and amp­li­fy unheard voices is immeasurable.”

In 2016, B‑Town War­ri­ors and DPM released their hit debut single ‘People of the Red Sun­set’ which dropped onto spot rota­tion on Triple J, attrac­ted inter­na­tion­al media atten­tion on its way to becom­ing a sum­mer anthem of 2017 (400,000+ views on You­tube). The crew went on to release four oth­er songs includ­ing the 2018 banger ‘Thun­der­cloud’ that went on to win a Nation­al Indi­gen­ous Music Award, earn­ing a seg­ment on Chan­nel 10’s ‘The Project’.
Sup­por­ted by:

Desert Pea Medi­a’s ongo­ing pro­jects in Bourke have been instru­ment­al in fos­ter­ing con­nec­tions with­in these com­munit­ies, build­ing the trust and con­nec­tion required to share story, know­ledge, aspir­a­tions, and struggles through the medi­um of music and media. The pro­ject’s object­ive is to empower these voices, cre­ate oppor­tun­ity and drive real, mean­ing­ful change.
‘B‑Town Biz’ is the res­ult of this dynam­ic col­lab­or­a­tion, a com­pel­ling music­al nar­rat­ive that addresses press­ing socio-polit­ic­al issues and fuels essen­tial con­ver­sa­tions. The track draws inspir­a­tion from the people of Bourke, res­on­at­ing with the daily lives and chal­lenges of the community.

Desert Pea Media is a com­munity-driv­en media organ­isa­tion that has been work­ing to amp­li­fy the voices of remote and region­al com­munit­ies in Aus­tralia for over two dec­ades. Through innov­at­ive arts and digit­al media ini­ti­at­ives, Desert Pea Media empowers indi­vidu­als to tell their stor­ies and cel­eb­rate their unique per­spect­ives.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.