The Lon­don Palestine Film Fest­iv­al (LPFF) returns this Novem­ber, bring­ing a power­ful selec­tion of films that offer pro­found insights into Palestini­an life, cul­ture, and res­ist­ance. The fest­iv­al opens on Fri­day, Novem­ber 15th with A Grain of Sand (حبة رمل), a one-woman mixed-media per­form­ance star­ring Sarah Agha, and cul­min­ates on Fri­day, Novem­ber 29th with the highly anti­cip­ated UK première of From Ground Zero, a col­lec­tion of 22 short films made by Gazan film­makers dur­ing the cur­rent con­flict. These open­ing and clos­ing films cap­ture the heart of LPFF 2024’s mis­sion to amp­li­fy Palestini­an voices and present com­pel­ling nar­rat­ives from the region.

The Clos­ing Night will be a land­mark event for LPFF, with From Ground Zero screen­ing in cinemas across east, west, and south Lon­don. Dir­ec­ted by 22 film­makers, the film offers an unpre­ced­en­ted look into life in Gaza, with stor­ies that reflect the exper­i­ences, fears, and hopes of those liv­ing in the midst of con­flict. The screen­ings will take place at Gen­es­is Cinema, River­side Stu­di­os and Sands Film Stu­dio, bring­ing this cru­cial work to audi­ences across the capital.

Full Programme of Events

Fri­day, Novem­ber 15th at 7 PM – Bar­bican Cinema 1
Open­ing Night: A Grain of Sand (حبة رمل)
Exclus­ive Mixed-Media Live Performance
Per­formed by Sarah Agha and dir­ec­ted by Eli­as Matar, A Grain of Sand tells the story of Ren­ad, a young Gazan girl search­ing for hope amidst dev­ast­a­tion. Her jour­ney between life, death, and rebirth reflects the lived exper­i­ences of many Palestinians.
Fol­lowed by a con­ver­sa­tion with Sarah Agha and Eli­as Matar.

Sat­urday, Novem­ber 16th at 3:30 PM – The Garden Cinema
The Roller, The Life, The Fight
A doc­u­ment­ary explor­ing per­sever­ance in the face of polit­ic­al strife, fol­lowed by a vir­tu­al dis­cus­sion with dir­ect­ors Elettra Bisogno and Hazem Alqaddi.

Sat­urday, Novem­ber 16th at 6:30 PM – ICA
Famil­i­ar Phantoms Triple Bill
Dir­ect­ors Larissa San­sour and Søren Lind will lead a screen talk after the present­a­tion of three of their films, each reflect­ing on memory, iden­tity, and the inter­sec­tion of per­son­al and col­lect­ive histories.

Sunday, Novem­ber 17th at 2:30 PM – The Garden Cinema
Shorts Ses­sion: Real Visions
A selec­tion of non-fic­tion shorts that tra­verse images, dreams, and memor­ies, offer­ing unique per­spect­ives on Palestini­an life and the inter­sec­tions of real­ity and imagination.

Sunday, Novem­ber 17th at 6:00 PM – ICA
We No Longer Prefer Mountains
A haunt­ing look at dis­place­ment, fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion with dir­ect­or Inas Halabi and artist Maysan Hamdan.

Monday, Novem­ber 18th at 6:10 PM – Bar­bican Cinema
To a Land Unknown
A screen­ing fol­lowed by a Q&A with dir­ect­or Mahdi Fleifel, explor­ing the search for iden­tity among Palestini­an refugees.

Tues­day, Novem­ber 19th at 6:20 PM – Curzon Soho
To a Land Unknown
An addi­tion­al screen­ing of Mahdi Fleifel’s film, fol­lowed by a Q&A.

Wed­nes­day, Novem­ber 20th at 8:45 PM – Bar­bican Cinema
Shorts Ses­sion: Dreams and Ghosts
A series of short films touch­ing on the vis­ible and invis­ible in Palestini­an life, as char­ac­ters grapple with the ghosts of the past while yearn­ing for a bet­ter future.

Fri­day, Novem­ber 22nd at 7:00 PM – SOAS Uni­ver­sity of London
Book Launch: After­life of Images by Azza ElHassan
A spe­cial event mark­ing the launch of Azza ElHassan’s new book, which explores the role of visu­al media in shap­ing the Palestini­an narrative.

Sat­urday, Novem­ber 23rd at 6:00 PM – Curzon Soho
Izkor: Slaves of Memory
This doc­u­ment­ary exam­ines the inter­sec­tions of memory and iden­tity in both Israeli and Palestini­an societies.

Sunday, Novem­ber 24th at 4:30 PM – ICA
A Fidai Film
A doc­u­ment­ary on the leg­acy of the Palestini­an feday­een, explor­ing their res­ist­ance move­ment and their fight for liberation.

Monday, Novem­ber 25th at 6:20 PM – Curzon Hoxton
A film that sheds light on the city of Lyd and its trans­form­a­tion through­out the Israeli-Palestini­an conflict.

Tues­day, Novem­ber 26th at 6:20 PM – Curzon Hoxton
Shorts Ses­sion: Stick­ing Together
A cur­ated ses­sion of shorts focus­ing on solid­ar­ity and camarader­ie. Fea­tur­ing anim­ated, dra­mat­ic, and comed­ic works, these films emphas­ize the import­ance of human bonds in times of adversity.

Tues­day, Novem­ber 26th at 6:30 PM – Bar­bican Cinema
Edward Said: The Last Interview
An intro­duc­tion by author Isa­bella Hammad will pre­cede the screen­ing of the last recor­ded inter­view with Palestini­an intel­lec­tu­al Edward Said.

Wed­nes­day, Novem­ber 27th at 6:20 PM – Ber­tha DocHouse
Oraib Toukan: Ima­ging the Image
Three films borne out of Oraib Toukan’s study of pho­to­graphy, film, and text, from which she seeks nat­ive and ver­nacu­lar under­stand­ings of images. Over images both found and cre­ated, bring­ing us memor­ies, rev­er­ies, and snap­shots of the every­day, we hear the voices of emin­ent schol­ars and practitioners.

Thursday, Novem­ber 28th at 8:15 PM – River­side Studios
The Teach­er
From the BAF­TA-win­ning, Oscar-nom­in­ated dir­ect­or, Farah Nabulsi, comes her long awaited first fea­ture film. Saleh Bakri, plays the eponym­ous school teach­er try­ing to pro­tect his stu­dents from a life stifled under Israeli occupation.

Fri­day, Novem­ber 29th at 6:30 PM – Gen­es­is Cinema
Fri­day, Novem­ber 29th at 8:00 PM – Sands Films Studio
Fri­day, Novem­ber 29th at 8:15 PM – River­side Studios
Clos­ing Night: From Ground Zero (UK Première)
The Clos­ing Night of LPFF 2024 will be mul­tiple screen­ings of From Ground Zero, a port­manteau of 22 short films from Gaza, made over the past year. Spear­headed by dir­ect­or Rashid Mashar­awi, the pro­ject brings togeth­er the voices of 22 Gazan film­makers doc­u­ment­ing untold stor­ies from the ongo­ing con­flict. These screen­ings in east, west, and south Lon­don provide an unpre­ced­en­ted look at the lived real­it­ies of Gaza, present­ing a power­ful test­a­ment to the resi­li­ence and cre­ativ­ity of its people. The antho­logy film From Ground Zero will rep­res­ent Palestine this year in the Oscar race for Best Inter­na­tion­al Feature.

For the full 2024 pro­gramme and more details: 


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About Nadiya Shay

Hip-Hop Journalist, full-time reader and dreamer.