The con­cerns sur­round­ing the coronavir­us pan­dem­ic has seen the clos­ure of many busi­nesses, the can­cel­ling of events world­wide and a coun­try put on lock­down. Because of this, Tech PR Agency EAK Digit­al have set up a vir­tu­al crypto con­fer­ence, aptly titled Block­Down 2020, with glob­al multi-plat­in­um selling artist Akon as the head­line speaker.

From “Locked Up” to cur­rently being on lock­down with his fam­ily in Atlanta, Akon, the Grammy-Nom­in­ated artist and crypto entre­pren­eur will be mark­ing his birth­day by attend­ing the con­fer­ence, which com­mences on April 16th, vir­tu­ally to make a big announce­ment about his ambi­tious crypto pro­ject Akoin.

Akoin aims to empower Africa with a single unit­ing cur­rency on a secure plat­form that tracks eco­nom­ic, trade, and social data to give every­one the poten­tial to securely devel­op the busi­nesses, and lives, of their dreams. Akoin users will be able to save money, pay util­it­ies or oth­er users, devel­op skills on edu­ca­tion­al applic­a­tions, apply or hire for jobs, request loans and mar­ket goods and services.

“I think that block­chain and crypto could be the saviour for Africa in many ways because it brings the power back to the people,” Akon said. “Crypto­cur­rency and block­chain tech­no­logy offer a more secure cur­rency that enables people in Africa to advance them­selves inde­pend­ent of the government.”

Aside from his highly suc­cess­ful music career and crypto­cur­rency ven­ture, Akon is well known for his phil­an­throp­ic work. In 2014 Akon foun­ded Akon Light­ing Africa which aimed to provide elec­tri­city by sol­ar energy in Africa after grow­ing up in a town without elec­tri­city. The pro­jects provided elec­tri­city in 14 Afric­an coun­tries as of 2015 and employed over 5000 people, reach­ing 1 mil­lion Afric­an house­holds with their pro­jects. The over­all aim of this was to bring elec­tri­city to 600 mil­lion people in rur­al com­munit­ies across Africa.

Akon intends for Akoin to power the eco­nomy of his futur­ist­ic $2 bil­lion Akon Crypto City, an eco-tour­ism smart city cur­rently under con­struc­tion a few hours out­side of Senegal’s cap­it­al, Dakar. Akon said that the city will be like a “real life Wakanda” a ref­er­ence to the futur­ist­ic Afric­an coun­try in the 2018 film “Black Pan­ther.” The city will run entirely on Akoin. 

Akon will be live-stream­ing into a pan­el dis­cus­sion and host­ing a digit­al press con­fer­ence and provid­ing block­chain pro­jects with the oppor­tun­ity to pitch the Akoin team their pro­ject with the chance of being included in Akoin’s decent­ral­ised applic­a­tion ecosystem.

With mul­tiple crypto con­fer­ences glob­ally post­poned or can­celled, Block­Down is a chance for the crypto com­munity to net­work, engage and learn without hav­ing to leave their desks!

Dur­ing the con­fer­ence, attendees can watch live illus­tra­tions, vis­it vir­tu­al exhib­i­tion booth areas, and net­work and share busi­ness ideas in “ded­ic­ated online spaces,” accord­ing to a state­ment. It will also be pos­sible to attend vir­tu­al “fireside chats” with 3D rendi­tions of top speak­ers.

“We decided to shift our focus to an online event as we knew that in these uncer­tain times, people will need a fun and soci­able envir­on­ment and we could use our net­work to bring the com­munity togeth­er,” said EAK Digital’s founder Erhan Korhaliller.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.