KREPT & KONAN ANNOUNCE 2019 UK & IRELAND TOUR (@KreptandKonan) (@LiveNationUK)

KKONANKrept & Konan’s 2019 Head­line UK & Ire­land Tour will see the boys head out on the road again for the first time since their head­line sold out show at Alex­an­dra Palace last Autumn. Encom­passing eight shows across eight cit­ies it will kick off on 23rd Novem­ber at Olympic Theatre, Dub­lin and wrap up on 5th Decem­ber at The O2, Lon­don, (see below for details on all dates).

The announce­ment of Krept & Konan’s 2019 Head­line UK & Ire­land Tour fol­lows the release of I Spy ft. Head­ie One and K Trap, which deb­uted at #18 in the UK charts on release, (mak­ing it Krept & Konan’s second Top 20 single), and was the first offi­cial single to be lif­ted from Krept & Konan’s highly anti­cip­ated forth­com­ing second stu­dio album.

‘I Spy’ came hot on the heels of their release of Ban Drill (with its accom­pa­ny­ing Rap­man dir­ec­ted short­film), which addressed the con­tro­ver­sial move by the State and the Police to ban Drill music. Around the release of Ban Drill, Krept & Kon­an launched a change.orgpetition (ask­ing the CPS to ‘stop silen­cing musi­cians’) and were invited by Diane Abbott MP to the Houses of Par­lia­ment to debate­wheth­er or not cen­sor­ing Drill music and pro­sec­ut­ing Drill artists is an effect­ive way to com­bat crime.

In 2017 Krept and Kon­an made his­tory with 7 DAYS and 7 NIGHTS, when they became the first act ever to have two mix­tapes sim­ul­tan­eously enter the Top 10 of the Offi­cial UK Albums chart. They’ve now notched up a #2 album, two top 10 mix­tapes (with 7 DAYS now cer­ti­fied sil­ver), one plat­in­um single (Freak Of The Week ft. Jeremih), three sil­ver singles, and a total of over half a bil­lion streams. The past year alone has seen Krept & Kon­an sell out a head­line show at Alex­an­dra Palace, per­form main slots at Wire­less and Read­ing & Leeds Fest­ivals, and suc­cess­fully launch their res­taur­ant Crepes & Cones in their nat­ive Croydon.



Sat­urday, 23rd Novem­ber                   Dub­lin, Ire­land            Olympic Theatre

Monday, 25th Novem­ber                     Not­ting­ham,                UK Rock City

Tues­day, 26th Novem­ber                    Glas­gow, U.K. SWG3

Thursday, 28th Novem­ber                   Manchester, U.K.        O2 Vic­tor­ia Warehouse

Fri­day, 29th Novem­ber                        Leeds, U.K.                 Stylus

Sat­urday, 30th Novem­ber                   Birm­ing­ham, U.K.       O2 Academy

Monday, 2nd Decem­ber                      Bris­tol, U.K.                 O2 Academy

Thursday, 5th Decem­ber                     Lon­don, U.K.               The O2


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.