Listen / Order Here

 Hood­ies All Sum­mer, the acclaimed new album from Kano, is out now on Par­lo­phone. Listen here

 And, due to over­whelm­ing demand, Kano today announced new live dates for 2020. Kick­ing off in Bournemouth on 31 Janu­ary, this second leg of the Hood­ies All Sum­mer Tour will see “…this gif­ted Brit­ish MC”(The Observ­er) vis­it Cardiff, Bris­tol, Liv­er­pool, Leeds, Not­ting­ham, Birm­ing­ham and Manchester, as well take in as a massive 7,500 capa­city gig at The Drum­sheds in London.

 Kano will make his return to the stage next month, accom­pan­ied by a full live band, with a string of dates that will include what prom­ises to be a very spe­cial sold-out homet­own show at London’s Roy­al Albert Hall on 7 Octo­ber.

 Tick­ets go on gen­er­al sale at 10.00am BST on Fri­day 6 Septem­ber here.

 Fans can access a spe­cial pre­s­ale from 10.00am BST on Thursday 5 Septem­ber by order­ing the album here.

 Newly announced tour dates for 2020:

31 Janu­ary           BOURNEMOUTH – O2 Academy

01 Feb­ru­ary        CARDIFF – C.U. Stu­dents Union

02 Feb­ru­ary        BRIS­TOL – O2 Academy

03 Feb­ru­ary        LIV­ER­POOL – 02 Academy

07 Feb­ru­ary        LON­DON – The Drumsheds

12 Feb­ru­ary        LEEDS – O2 Academy

13 Feb­ru­ary        NOT­TING­HAM – Rock City

14 Feb­ru­ary        BIRM­ING­HAM – O2 Academy

15 Feb­ru­ary        MANCHESTER – O2 Vic­tor­ia Warehouse

 2019 Tour Dates:

2 Octo­ber            GLAS­GOW – The Old Fruitmarket

4 Octo­ber            MANCHESTER – The Albert Hall

5 Octo­ber            BIRM­ING­HAM – Town Hall

6 Octo­ber            BRIGHTON – Brighton Dome

7 Octo­ber            LON­DON – Roy­al Albert Hall


Kano announced his return with two new tracks — ‘Trouble’ and ‘Class Of Deja’ (feat. D Double E and Ghetts) – and a new 17 minute music video dir­ec­ted by Aneil Karia, based on a concept by Kano, shot over two days in Lon­don earli­er this sum­mer. A second video for the track Pan-Fried (ft. Kojo Funds) was released last week.

 Pro­duced by Blue May and Jodi Mil­liner, Hood­ies All Sum­mer is the sixth stu­dio album from Kano, and his first release since 2016’s acclaimed Mer­cury-nom­in­ated ‘Made In The Man­or’. The 10-track album sees Kanoexplore a more min­im­al – yet still uniquely Brit­ish — sound which brings his lyr­ic­al prowess to the fore. The multi-layered ele­ments of the record embrace a diverse instru­ment­a­tion, as well as the broad­er strokes of hip hop and dance­hall, and fea­tures appear­ances from Kojo Funds, Pop­caan, Lil Silva, D Double E and Ghetts.

 With this latest album, Kano moves bey­ond the more per­son­al themes of ‘Made In The Man­or’ to tackle with a soar­ing fury the social fis­sures and injustices he sees devel­op­ing around him on both a loc­al and glob­al level. The res­ult is his most ambi­tious body of work to date. Hood­ies All Sum­mer is a com­mand­ing and vis­cer­al exam­in­a­tion of com­munit­ies marked by isol­a­tion, frus­tra­tion, anger and loss, as well as cre­ativ­ity, defi­ance and hope.

 One of the most innov­at­ive, inter­est­ing and pion­eer­ing artists to come out of Bri­tain in recent years, Kano writes here at a pitch of scald­ing urgency, with an hon­esty that uses per­son­al exper­i­ence and obser­va­tion as a means to mag­ni­fy the cur­rent pro­cesses of the soci­et­al and polit­ic­al sys­tem. The centre, he reminds us with unspar­ing detail, can­not hold.

 Hood­ies All Sum­mer is avail­able on CD, double vinyl and digit­al down­load. Pre order here.

Watch Kano in con­ver­sa­tion with Akala about the album here.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.