@Jurassic5 ‘The Way We Do It’ Ft Heavy D



Jur­as­sic 5 — The Way We Do It (Prod. by Heavy D)


 Jur­as­sic 5 have unleashed their first new mater­i­al in years fol­low­ing their reunion in spring 2013!

 “The Way We Do It” was pro­duced by true Hip Hop hero Heavy D dur­ing their “Feed­back” record­ing ses­sions. This is one of 4 songs they recor­ded with him with more exclus­ive songs and ver­sions of songs com­ing soon.

Jur­as­sic 5 fea­tur­ing rap­pers Chali 2na, Akil, Zaakir, Mark 7even and DJ Nu-Mark and Cut Chem­ist first formed in 1993 and deb­uted nation­ally in 1995 with their first single, “Uni­fied Rebelu­tion”. The Amer­ic­an altern­at­ive hip hop group eponym­ous full length debut album entitled Jur­as­sic 5 was real­ised in 1998 and three albums fol­lowed includ­ing ‘Qual­ity Con­trol’, ‘Power in Num­bers’ and ‘Feed­back’, the lat­ter two peak­ing at num­ber 15 on the Bill­board 200 chart. The group dis­ban­ded in 2007 fol­low­ing their final EP.

In April 2013 the full line up reunited again and appeared at numer­ous fest­ivals around the world includ­ing a standout set at Park­life Weekender.

Next month Jur­as­sic 5 will be embark­ing on their only UK head­line dates this year.

Join­ing Jur­as­sic 5 for the second Brix­ton show are Amer­ic­an hip hop group Dilated Peoples who not­ab­il­ity achieved huge in the under­ground hip hop com­munity. Formed in 1992, DJ Babu (producer/DJ), Evid­ence (emcee-pro­du­cer) and Rakaa Iriscience (emcee) gained two Top 40 of the UK Singles Chart with “This Way” and “Worst Comes to Worst.”

Cali­for­ni­an trio Ugly Duck­ling will be join­ing as spe­cial guest sup­port on Jur­as­sic 5’s four oth­er dates. After more than 20 nation­al UK tours and per­form­ances at the likes of Read­ing and Leeds fest­ivals; Young Ein­stein, Dizzy Dustin and Andy Cooper aka Ugly Duck­ling will be bring­ing their brand of unique and authen­t­ic Hip-Hop for an excit­ing and super-tight set. The Ugly Duck­ling music­al sound is a com­bin­a­tion of late-80’s/early 90’s Hip-Hop, Funk, Soul and Jazz with plenty of humour and high-spir­ited skilfulness.


 This Jur­as­sic 5 tour is going to be one of the most anti­cip­ated shows this summer.

 With spe­cial guests Ugly Duckling

Thu 19-Jun-2014 – Manchester Academy SOLD OUT

Fri 20-Jun-2014 – Lon­don O2 Academy Brixton

Tue 24-Jun-2014 – Not­ting­ham Rock City

Wed 25-Jun-2014 – Bris­tol O2 Academy SOLD OUT

 With spe­cial guests Dilated Peoples

Sat-21-Jun-2014 — Lon­don O2 Academy Brixton

 Tick­ets are £25.00 (£32.50 London)

 www.gigsandtours.com / 0844 811 0051

 ticketweb.co.uk / 0844 477 2000


Face­book: @Jurassic5

Twit­ter: @jurassic5




The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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