Sadler’s Wells’ Pea­cock Theatre is delighted to present ISH Dance Col­lect­ive’s Ele­ments of Free­style, an adren­aline-fuelled explo­sion of extreme urb­an sports, dance, music and theatre, from Wed­nes­day 13 – Sat­urday 23 April in a Lon­don première.

In a fusion of break­dance, inline skat­ing, skate­board­ing, free­style bas­ket­ball, BMX and freerun­ning, the audi­ence dis­cov­ers the artistry behind the trick. Ele­ments of Free­style stars a group of excep­tion­al dan­cers and ath­letes who are staged per­form­ing their craft by the show cre­at­or and dir­ect­or Marco Ger­ris (So You Think You Can Dance) and who take the audi­ence on a jour­ney of excep­tion­al skill.

Dir­ect­or Marco Ger­ris said: “Ele­ments of Free­style might just be my proudest achieve­ment ever. Cre­at­ing this explos­ive world on stage in which these wildly dif­fer­ent street dis­cip­lines come togeth­er to be per­formed at the highest level has long been a dream of mine. Ele­ments of Free­style doesn’t just show the indi­vidu­al high-level skills, how­ever, but also the chem­istry between the per­formers, the friend­ship, the raw energy, the jams and battles. It’s not only adren­aline though, Ele­ments of Free­style also shows the poet­ic side of extreme sports: as a former free­style inline-skater, I know the chal­lenges you face land­ing a dif­fi­cult trick. For me, it’s all dance on the highest level, it’s the art of move­ment in an excit­ing, new con­tem­por­ary form. 

After more than 20 years of per­form­ing all around the world, this is my first time per­form­ing at Lon­don’s West End! I feel very hon­oured and priv­ileged, espe­cially after these dif­fi­cult two years! We’re very excited to exper­i­ence the Lon­don-scene and to meet the audi­ence. Lon­don Call­ing!

The show fea­tures a cast of 10 includ­ing multi-award-win­ning b‑boy and break­dan­cer Arnold Put; World Cham­pi­on free run­ner Bart Van Der Linden also known as ‘The Fly­ing Dutch­man’; 10 times Dutch BMX Cham­pi­on Dez Maar­zen and break­dan­cer Diet­rich Pott, or bboy Dietje as he is also known. They join skater Jelle Brigge­man; freerun­ner Luís Alk­mim; bas­ket­ball free­style jug­gler Michael Van Beek whose cred­its include Cirque de Soleil; skater Pim Wouters; break­dan­cer Thomas Krikken and Sven Boek­horst, skater and win­ner of the much acclaimed ‘Triple Crown’- win­ning the X‑Games, Grav­ity Games and World Championships.

The com­pany are joined on stage by live musi­cians, Annie Tang­berg on cello and Vera van der Bie on violin.



Wed­nes­day 13 – Sat­urday 23 April 

Tick­ets: £18 — £55
Tick­et Office: 020 7863 8000 or 

Image cred­it: Alex Brenner

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.