
Vividree is an uncon­ven­tion­al rap­per, part of a gen­er­a­tion of socially aware hip hop artists such as J Cole or Kendrick Lamar. He deliv­ers his sig­na­ture flow on top­ics ran­ging from per­son­al issues on “For the Rain” to street know­ledge on “I Don’t Give 2’s”. His work is heav­ily informed by his own exper­i­ences, and aims to help end stig­mas around cer­tain topics.

Dur­ing the inter­view, Vividree talks of how he made way for a bud­ding bas­ket­ball career to build a jour­ney into music.


Catch the full inter­view below:

Video by : High­light Nation.

The artist was born in Congo-Brazza­ville before mov­ing to Ken­ning­ton at 7‑years old. Music has always been in the blood of Vividree’s fam­ily with his fath­er being an Afrobeats artist. This cre­at­ive upbring­ing has had an influ­ence on the exper­i­ment­al approach that the artist brings with his music.

The rap­per has recently made a name for him­self on a loc­al scale and is now look­ing to spread his mis­sion fur­ther by work­ing with oth­er like-minded artists around the globe. In an age of social change, Vividree has shared that his mis­sion is to “Inspire oth­ers to get up and do what they love and be them­selves.” This is sum­mar­ised by his man­tra of G.I.D – Get It Done.

Keep locked in at for updates on gigs and future projects.

About Sumit S