An excit­ing debut pic­ture book from writer, musi­cian and presenter Jordan Steph­ens and illus­trat­or Beth Suz­anna, this heart­felt, warm and wise story cel­eb­rates the power of fam­ily bonds, the joy of mak­ing new friends, and the import­ance of find­ing what makes you feel whole

Jordan Steph­ens is a writer and per­former best known for being one half of pop duo Rizzle Kicks, achiev­ing fame at only 19. Jordan is now a writer, per­former and cam­paign­er. He’s also pas­sion­ate about books and read­ing. The Miss­ing Piece is his first pic­ture book. Hav­ing been pub­licly open about his own struggles sur­round­ing men­tal health, Jordan has also been very act­ive in cre­at­ing aware­ness around the stigma attached to it and help­ing young people to open up about how they feel. His men­tal-health cam­paign #IAM­WHOLE reached over 120 mil­lion people online and made enough of an impact to be men­tioned in the Houses of Parliament.

Beth Suz­anna is a Bris­tol-based illus­trat­or and design­er with a love of bold col­our and shape. She’s an advoc­ate for diverse rep­res­ent­a­tion, and her work often com­ments on recur­rent issues in mod­ern soci­ety. The Miss­ing Piece is her first pic­ture book.

Sisi and Krash Wil­li­ams meet Jordan Steph­ens (Rizzle Kicks) and Beth Suz­anna to dis­cuss their new chil­dren’s book ‘The Miss­ing Piece’.

They dis­cuss rep­res­ent­a­tion in pub­lish­ing, the mean­ing behind the incom­plete puzzle, and the dif­fer­ence between the pub­lish­ing industry and music.

‘The Miss­ing Piece’ is out now (via Blooms­bury Children)

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Sisi And Krash Williams

Fath­er and Daugh­ter duo Sisi and Krash Wil­li­ams inter­view Rizzle Kick­’s Jordan Steph­ens on his new Chil­dren’s pic­ture book ‘The Miss­ing Piece’

About Sisi And Krash Williams

Father and Daughter duo Sisi and Krash Williams interview Rizzle Kick's Jordan Stephens on his new Children's picture book 'The Missing Piece'