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Emer­ging from the realm of RnB, the remark­able music­al tal­ent JUIC3, known for the well-received 2019 track ‘Same,’ now unveils a new son­ic gem titled ‘My Everything.’ This latest cre­ation, a seam­less blend of LoFi, RnB, and HipHop, exudes a soul­ful grace and unfiltered genu­ine­ness. Enlist­ing the tal­ents of two equally adept artists, GT GAR­ZA and Roger Silva, and accom­pan­ied by a finely craf­ted instru­ment­al back­drop, ‘My Everything’ effort­lessly inter­twines nos­tal­gic ele­ments with mod­ern music­al tex­tures, res­ult­ing in a truly dis­tinct­ive and unpar­alleled aud­it­ory experience.

We catch up with JUIC3 to find out more!

Can you tell us about the inspir­a­tion behind your new single ‘My Everything’? How did the concept for the song come about?

The inspir­a­tion behind ‘My Everything’ star­ted with GT Gar­za. My team asked if he was inter­ested in a fea­ture and after we sent a beat over and received his verse, we listened to it and fell in love with his per­spect­ive on what love is. That made it easy to sing around him, adding my thoughts as if I was the woman he was talk­ing to. The song came out amaz­ing, but my team felt that some­thing was miss­ing. A good ques­tion came up: what if we added anoth­er per­son and instead of it being a love duet, nor a love tri­angle, but an open-to-inter­pret­a­tion song? We wanted people to be able to put them­selves in either one of our shoes. I believe we achieved that end res­ult with this song.

‘My Everything’ fea­tures col­lab­or­a­tions with GT GAR­ZA and Roger Silva. How did you come to work with these artists, and how did their con­tri­bu­tions enhance the over­all vibe of the track?

Roger Silva is a good friend of mine and when my team approached me with the idea of a fea­ture with GT Gar­za, the first instinct was to call Roger. Being fairly new to col­lab­or­at­ing with oth­er artists, we did­n’t want to push our lim­its, so we left the thought on the back burn­er. It was­n’t until we were close to com­plet­ing the song that we knew we had to give Roger Silva a call. Their con­tri­bu­tions def­in­itely enhanced the vibe of the track because our styles inter­twined so smoothly. Our life exper­i­ences came togeth­er, and it reflec­ted beau­ti­fully in the song.

The song fuses ele­ments of LoFi, RnB, and HipHop, cre­at­ing a unique and dis­tinct sound. How did you approach blend­ing these dif­fer­ent genres while main­tain­ing a cohes­ive music­al identity?

Before mak­ing this song, I knew I abso­lutely did not want to take any oth­er artist out of their own ele­ment, even if it meant I might be out of my own. But that was­n’t the case at all. GT Gar­za and Roger Silva were exactly what I’ve been need­ing in my sound, and they made it so easy to sing around their verses. They were clear, artic­u­late, and such down-to-earth men. I was com­fort­able with their voices, and it was all over from there.

Your new single car­ries a theme of love and ded­ic­a­tion. Could you share more about the per­son­al exper­i­ences or emo­tions that influ­enced the cre­ation of ‘My Everything’?

Every­one at some point in life goes through a stage where they don’t want to be the pur­suer; they want to be pur­sued. The take I gave on this song was want­ing to be pur­sued, and I state that when I say ‘You’re say­ing all these nice things, but baby come and show me.’ I’m telling the per­son on the oth­er side, hey, don’t expect me to give you all my energy. I have been there and done that; show me with your actions first, that I’m where you want to be.

The writ­ing and record­ing pro­cess for ‘My Everything’ seems to have been swift and smooth, des­pite remote record­ing for the fea­tured artists’ verses. Could you tell us about any chal­lenges or unex­pec­ted moments that occurred dur­ing the production?

I would say loc­a­tion was a factor in this situ­ation. GT Gar­za being loc­ated in Hou­s­ton, Texas, Roger in Arling­ton, Texas, and me in San Ant­o­nio, Texas. But in the end, their roots came into play. I learned that GT Gar­z­a­’s dad lives in San Ant­o­nio and Roger also has fam­ily in San Ant­o­nio; that really worked in my favor, and we were able to fin­ish the video shoot and then have qual­ity fam­ily time after­wards on all our ends.

Your music often reflects a blend of old school influ­ences and con­tem­por­ary lay­ers. How do you bal­ance pay­ing homage to clas­sic sounds while still push­ing the bound­ar­ies of mod­ern music?

That’s a great ques­tion because I know what I want to sound like, but I’ve also yet to learn what I am fully cap­able of. So it’s a gradu­al learn­ing pro­cess of test­ing my lim­its but remind­ing myself of the sound I want to stick to.

The title ‘My Everything’ sug­gests a deep con­nec­tion and bond with someone spe­cial. How import­ant is authen­ti­city and vul­ner­ab­il­ity in your song­writ­ing, espe­cially when explor­ing themes of love and relationships?

Pic­ture you’re driv­ing in a car and you see someone singing or rap­ping. Out of the corner of their eye, they see you look­ing at them and they stop. Because you’ve stepped into their world and they did­n’t want you to catch them off guard like that. They were vul­ner­able because they con­nec­ted to the song they were singing. Maybe they had a long day at work and just wanted to loosen a but­ton or two.

It’s so import­ant that the people who listen to my music know I’m still a per­son too, and we can con­nect to each oth­er even if we’re not in the same room together.

Your jour­ney in the world of music star­ted with school music­als. How have those early exper­i­ences shaped your artist­ic path and influ­enced your approach to cre­at­ing music today?

Stage fright. It’s as simple as that. If it wer­en’t for those early exper­i­ences, I’d prob­ably have no music released. I’d be too shy to per­form and prob­ably would­n’t have even begun writ­ing. I’ve always liked writ­ing in school and cre­at­ing stor­ies, but it was­n’t until I did music­als where it clicked for me that I could use this to my advant­age. So I star­ted writ­ing songs.

With your Puerto Ric­an roots and now being based in Amer­ica, how has your mul­ti­cul­tur­al back­ground influ­enced your music­al style and the stor­ies you want to tell through your music?

I have yet to tap into my Puerto Ric­an roots music­ally, but it is in the works, and I hope I can do my com­munity proud.

As you con­tin­ue to evolve as an artist, what can your ded­ic­ated audi­ence and new listen­ers expect from your upcom­ing music­al endeavors? Are there any hints you can give us about what’s next in your diverse discography?

Though I don’t have a set date for my album release, I will be releas­ing anoth­er song titled ‘Mas­ter Plan’ fea­tur­ing Rich Greedy, a San Ant­o­nio artist who is pav­ing the way for smal­ler artists like myself. I am so blessed to have the oppor­tun­ity to work with oth­er cre­at­ives and learn from them, and vice versa!

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.