Born Zzham­iere Best on Octo­ber 8th 2001 “Zah­Sosaa”, is a Phil­adelphia nat­ive. Zah­Sosaa is ready to make his mark in the industry. His love for music star­ted at an early age, he offi­cially star­ted doing music in 2017 towards the end of the year . Grow­ing up in the streets of Phil­adelphia Zah­Sosaa has went through some pretty dark times and has even lost friends due to gun viol­ence along the way. You can hear pain and hun­ger when you are listen­ing to ZahSosaa’s latest verses. Zah­Sosaa know’s the music industry is all about tim­ing so he under­stands that with hard work and ded­ic­a­tion his oppor­tun­it­ies will be end­less. Arriv­ing on the scene of Hip Hop where there is so much com­pet­i­tion, Zah­Sosaa remains con­fid­ent that there is still room for him and he will have his chance to leave his mark on the industry. His inspir­a­tion for mak­ing music is to keep him­self out of trouble. Some of the artist who have per­son­ally influ­enced Zah­Sosaa is Chief Keef, Meek Mill and Lil Uzivert.

We catch up with him to find out more…

Tell us a bit about how your jour­ney in music began?

My music career began in 2017. I made my first single with my little cous­in and at that point I wasn’t really tak­ing music ser­i­ous due to me play­ing foot­ball at the time, but the more music I made I fell in love. So by the end of 2017 early 2018 I star­ted to take it more ser­i­ous because I had built-up a buzz in my city of Philadelphia.

You have seen a lot of pain and hard times already so young in life, how has music helped you deal with this?

Music helps me with the pain and hard times because I have the oppor­tun­ity to turn those exper­i­ences into a relat­able record. When I make music I make music from the heart. So when my fans relate to the music it makes me feel amaz­ing that I am not the only one who’s either been through that situ­ation or going through it. Music is thera­peut­ic. It also allows me the oppor­tun­ity to get out the hood and record at the stu­dio which is like a second home for me.

 How would you define your style?

Very unique. I am not chas­ing styles that every­one else is on. When you hear a Zah­Sosaa track either I’m vibing out with some­thing with a soft melody or I’m turnt up rap­ping and dan­cing. I feel like I am def­in­itely in my own lane, and I know the music industry will con­tin­ue to wel­come me with open arms.

What are your biggest inspir­a­tions when it comes to writing?

I mean some days you just feel it. I can sit down for hours and just zone out some­times. My fans inspire me. I like set­ting new goals for myself, dis­cuss­ing devel­op­ment­al ideas or plans to help me grow fur­ther as an artist.

What is the one piece of advice can you give to young people who want to get into music?

Stay con­sist­ent, stay in the stu­dio and out the way. Stay loy­al and real to your fam­ily and friends and work on find­ing a good team of people around you.

You have per­son­ally been co-signed by oth­er Phil­adelphia artist such as Meek Mill. How did this come about?

Meek is a Phil­adelphia nat­ive, and I haven’t seen a situ­ation where if there was an artist mov­ing out of the Phil­adelphia area, Meek wouldn’t sup­port. I appre­ci­ate Meek for all of the love he has shown my career, and I hope I will con­tin­ue to hold onto his sup­port. Who knows maybe one day we will do a record together.

Tell us about your latest EP Sosaa Vibes 2.0?

Man, Sosaa Vibes 2.0 is my baby. Most of the songs I cre­ated were comeback songs from a minor set back that I had. When I was first on the scene a lot of people mis­un­der­stood who I was, I was young, mov­ing too fast, and things didn’t go as planned. I am happy that my fans are find­ing these exper­i­ences again relat­able for them. No one really talks about the bad in the music industry, it’s mostly all good thing.

Have you got any per­son­al favour­ites off the EP, or a track that has an inter­est­ing story behind it?

“Thru the storm” and “Run It Up” are my per­son­al two favor­ites. On “Thru the storm”, I was express­ing how much pain I go through and just because I am on a path to suc­cess doesn’t mean I don’t go through reg­u­lar issues. I wanted to show every­one I’m human, I’m learn­ing, I’m grow­ing while I’m heal­ing, and I’m will­ing to work twice as hard to get to the top. On “Run it up” it was more of my get back track. I was ref­er­en­cing on how when someone starts to bet­ter them­selves people see it and they don’t like it or sup­port you so they talk down about you.

 Your track ‘Thru the Storm’ talks about some of the hard times you have had being in the music industry so young. What has been the biggest les­son you learnt so far?

To take your time. Under­stand the busi­ness versus the music industry and don’t focus on what people are talk­ing about. Don’t allow any­thing or any­one to deter you from what you are sup­posed to be doing.

Where do you see your­self in 5 years time?

Oh in 5 years this will def­in­itely take off! No, but for real I can’t say exactly what the future will hold, so I will con­tin­ue to work hard to see what doors God opens for me.

Where can we fol­low you and find out more? 

I am avail­able on all social media plat­forms @ZahSosaa. I am on Twit­ter, Ins­tagram, etc. Def­in­itely tap in with me on Ins­tagram for any updates and or announcements!

Listen to Sosaa Vibes 2.0 here


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.