CHUCKI Am Hip-Hop Magazine invited Sally Mur­row (aka sal­freckles) to inter­view a visu­al artist of choice, she con­nec­ted with Chuck D for this one. With his recent art exhib­i­tions being cel­eb­rated on Social Media, and a nice story behind his jour­ney we present the inter­view for your listen­ing ears! It’s also in print in our latest issue 5 of the Magazine. Photo Cred­it Dav­id W Chan with thanks to Kate Kelton, and of course Chuck for his time, PEace.

Read the inter­view in full in our brand new prin­ted issue 5 Magazine. 



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Sally Mur­row aka Sal­freckles is a Lon­don­er who works in early edu­ca­tion, she has a back­ground in graph­ic design and finds inspir­a­tion for her art from hip hop rhymes and culture.

About Salfreckles

Sally Murrow aka Salfreckles is a Londoner who works in early education, she has a background in graphic design and finds inspiration for her art from hip hop rhymes and culture.