Interview: BUDDY LOFTON (@TasteTheSoupSR)

Queens, NYC rap­per Buddy Lofton presents “Love Potion”, his new single pro­duced by Los Angeles pro­du­cer CUS­CINO. The two began work­ing togeth­er after Buddy played the lead role in A Smile, which CUS­CINO scored. “ ‘Love Potion’ came about as a res­ult of the film itself, and my pro­cess while scor­ing it,” CUS­CINO said.  Buddy’s last release was the full-length Under The Influ­ence, and CUS­CINO’s was the Etern­al­ity EP (click to listen)

Check out the track, and read our exclus­ive inter­view with Buddy Lofton below!
Q. How did you get star­ted as a rapper?

I star­ted rap­ping in middle school in lunch. While kids would make beats on the lunch tables a bunch of us would just rap to pass time, I guess it was the cool thing to do at the time. Rap­ping on com­puters before we knew how they worked, even­tu­ally it became an art form for me where I could express myself and dis­play my individualism.

Q. You talk about being under the influ­ence of what the world has to offer and how it shapes what we are today. What would you say was the biggest influ­ence on your life?

My biggest influ­ence in my life would have to be my fam­ily, my Dad in par­tic­u­lar was always strict grow­ing up, but also had a great sense of humor. We bumped heads a lot when I was young, but I real­ize now the les­sons he taught me, and his out­look on life pre­pared me for the rough times I’ve faced as an adult in the enter­tain­ment industry…like just stay­ing true to your­self and the ones who sur­roun­ded you since day one. I believe the sense of humor and the val­ues I learned from my fam­ily shows in my music and I want my fans to con­nect with that.

Q. You recently starred as lead role in an urb­an film called ‘A Smile’, tell us a bit about the char­ac­ter you played? What was it like work­ing in film?

I was in the short film “A Smile” which was writ­ten and dir­ec­ted by my good friend and writ­ing part­ner Mat­thew Torchon. The char­ac­ter I played, Eric Hem­ming, is a lost soul who suf­fers from extreme depres­sion, and tries dif­fer­ent tech­niques and vices in his life like seek­ing ther­apy, drugs, sex and alco­hol in hopes of find­ing a cure because he believes that he is not “nor­mal”.  The char­ac­ter was very dif­fer­ent from any­thing I’ve done in the past and I was very nervous to see how people would respond to see­ing how the story unfolds on film. I had to step out of my com­fort zone and really get into char­ac­ter because I knew Mat­thew wrote some­thing inspir­a­tion­al and deep…something that could really help people who feel like my char­ac­ter Eric did, and let them know they are not alone.

Q. What has it been like work­ing with pro­du­cer CUSCINO?

I was intro­duced to CUS­CINO while film­ing “A Smile” as he also scored the film. in the short time we have been work­ing, its always been a pleas­ure. He’s pas­sion­ate about his work, very effi­cient and its always great work­ing with a pro­du­cer like him who can push you and keep you on your toes.

Q. Tell us a bit about your latest track ‘Love Potion’?

“Love Potion” was made as sort of a one song soundtrack to the film, and it con­tin­ues on the film’s concept of being lost in the world, deal­ing with para­noia and all the ugly and evil people of the world that your mom or dad tell you to watch out for grow­ing up. Its kind of me say­ing damn all these rules and people you have to watch out for…why can­’t we just find a love potion that would put us all on one team again, rather than the dog-eat-dog cut­throat world we have became so accus­tomed to.

Buddy on Ins­tagram | You­tube | Twit­ter [@tastethesoupsr] | Sound­cloud
CUS­CINO on Ins­tagram | Face­book | Twit­ter [@cuscino] | Sound­cloud | Bandcamp |

Rishma Dhali­w­al

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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