Event: Rethink (@Rethink_) Present Invisible Struggles — Youth Mental Well-being Day

Not all struggles are visible…

Rethink Men­tal Ill­ness bring you a day of talks, inter­act­ive work­shops and oppor­tun­it­ies to share your stor­ies, learn new skills and pro­mote pos­it­ive well-being through cre­at­ive media.

We believe that every­one is an asset and that by work­ing togeth­er we can trans­form the sup­port that young receive for their men­tal health.


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What to Expect:

  • Inspir­ing talks from Grace Bar­rett from the Self-Esteem Team giv­ing advice even google can­’t give and comedi­an and cam­paign­er Dave Chawn­er speak­ing home truths and can­did con­fes­sions on his own exper­i­ences of men­tal health.
  • Work­shops on Yoga, Rap Ther­apy, Pho­to­graphy Cre­at­ing your Well­being tool­box, Social media and Digit­al Wellbeing
  • Live screen­ing of “Stranger on the Bridge” with a Q and A ses­sion with award-win­ning men­tal health cam­paign­er, film pro­du­cer, pub­lic speak­er, writer and vlog­ger Jonny Benjamin
  • Volun­teer­ing and cam­paign­ing opportunities
  • Resi­li­ence build­ing tools
  • Under­stand­ing of loc­al ser­vices and support
  • Net­work­ing with like minded individuals
  • Dir­ect influ­ence into the loc­al trans­form­a­tion plans of chil­dren and adoles­cent men­tal health services

What is included:

  • A hot lunch
  • Inter­act­ive workshops
  • Free­bies & good­ie bags

This event is for young people aged 14–25 years old who live, work or study in the fol­low­ing boroughs

  • Ham­mer­smith
  • Ful­ham
  • West­min­ster
  • Kens­ing­ton
  • Chelsea

Rethink Men­tal Ill­ness, No Bounds, MIND, Time To Change and NWL C CCG will all be shar­ing inform­a­tion about volun­teer­ing oppor­tun­it­ies and how you can get involved in their work.

The con­fer­ence will include a choice of two work­shops. Once you have selec­ted your first work­shop tick­et, please email katie.neal@rethink.org with your name, D.O.B, address and choice of second workshop.

If you do not select a second work­shop by the 29th Novem­ber, you will ran­domly be alloc­ated a work­shop based on availability.

Take a look below at Last years conference!


Work­shop Descriptions

Cre­at­ing Your Well-being Toolkit: Step-up Trans­itions (AM only)

This work­shop is co-designed and co-delivered by Step Up:Transitions cham­pi­ons. Step Up: Trans­itions is a col­lect­ive of pro­fes­sion­als and young people with lived exper­i­ence who co-pro­duce and deliv­er train­ings across Lon­don for 16–25 year olds. We use real life exper­i­ences to cre­ate activ­it­ies, tools and resources that encour­age a more pre­pared, resource­ful and resi­li­ent approach to deal­ing with men­tal health in times of change. Expect to meet pas­sion­ate young people who want to share their tools and tips on increas­ing your resi­li­ence through inter act­ive activity.

Rap Ther­apy : I am Hip-Hop

Words can have a power­ful impact on those hear­ing or read­ing them. Words can also have a power­ful effect on the per­son cre­at­ing them. Poetry, story telling, lyr­i­cism and oth­er forms of writ­ing have long been known to be a great way to express ones self. It empowers us to tell our story, express our feel­ings, and/or con­vey a mes­sage. There has been a long link between the pos­it­ive effect of telling our stor­ies and build­ing men­tal health resi­li­ence. We are col­lab­or­at­ing with No Bounds to bring a work­shop on how you can express your per­son­al story through lyr­i­cism and poetry. This will include a les­son on how to struc­ture your words to con­vey your mes­sage, examples of com­pleted work, and a chance to cre­ate some­thing your­self. All those attend­ing the work­shop will also be giv­en the oppor­tun­ity to sub­mit their work to I Am Hip Hop for a chance to have their work pub­lished in a print magazine! “The pen is migh­ti­er than the sword,”

Yoga for the Mind and Body : Char­lotta Martinus

Prac­ti­cing yoga is not only an effect­ive stress reliev­er, but also a way to ease symp­toms of anxi­ety. By trans­fer­ring focus and atten­tion to the body and breath, yoga can help to tem­per anxi­ety while also releas­ing phys­ic­al ten­sion. Wheth­er you’re a yoga guru or a com­plete begin­ner join Char­lotta Mar­tinus to try it out and see how yoga can be used to de-stress your mind and body.

“Yoga helps us slow down for a moment and tune into the breath. Simply the focus on one thing — which is the very defin­i­tion of med­it­a­tion — allows us to decompress,”

Think. Make. Cre­ate. : Octavia Foundation

This digit­al pho­to­graphy work­shop is an oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ment and use pho­to­graphy to demon­strate feel­ings and emotions.You can use signs to write about your story, the day, or any­thing you wish to share. It’s about using the arts and cre­ativ­ity to con­vey import­ant mes­sages about self-explor­a­tion, men­tal health and wellbeing.

Social Media and Digit­al Well­being : Mind (PM only)

This work­shop is an oppor­tun­ity to dis­cuss and explore the effect social media and the digit­al world has on your men­tal health. Expect activ­it­ies, con­ver­sa­tion and per­son­al stor­ies as well as an invest­ig­a­tion into the apps avail­ble to boost your wellbeing.

Film Screen­ing of Stranger on the Bridge : Jonny Ben­jamin (PM only)

Join Jonny Ben­jamin for a Q & A and screen­ing of his film Stranger on the Bridge. Hav­ing been dia­gnosed with schi­zoaf­fect­ive dis­order shortly before­hand, he stood on London’s Water­loo Bridge in Janu­ary 2008 and pre­pared to take his own life. That was until a stranger walk­ing across the bridge saw him and talked Jonny down from the edge. Jonny was taken to hos­pit­al and didn’t see the stranger again but was determ­ined to find him and thank him for what he did.

Jonny launched the #Find­Mike cam­paign with the sup­port of Rethink Men­tal Ill­ness, which became a social media sen­sa­tion, even­tu­ally reach­ing over 300 mil­lion people world­wide. In using this hasht­ag Jonny’s story helped to stim­u­late pos­it­ive chan­geand engage view­ers in these issues of men­tal ill­ness in an access­ible and sens­it­ive way.

The film cap­tures every step of Jonny’s remark­able jour­ney includ­ing the phe­nomen­on of the cam­paign, the many leads and ‘Mikes’ that came for­ward and ulti­mately his suc­cess­ful reunion with the man that saved his life. Everything changed for Jonny that day, but also, as a res­ult, he has become a men­tal health cam­paign­er who in his own right has helped trans­form the lives of many oth­er people around the world through his work.

Sign up today — click here!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.