6th Septem­ber — 10th Septem­ber 2018 || Fort Punta Christo

Tick­ets from £100: www.outlookfestival.com

 Fresh from an almighty tenth edi­tion that united thou­sands of bass lov­ers in it’s fort­ress home, Out­look Fest­iv­al reveals the first set of artists join­ing for 2018. Con­tinu­ing its mis­sion to cham­pi­on the next gen of tal­ent whilst cel­eb­rat­ing revered her­it­age acts, this out­ing is as diverse and dynam­ic as ever with J Hus, Stef­flon Don, Kojey Rad­ic­al, Wiley, Mist, Madam X, Chil­dren of Zeus, AJ Tracey, Dav­id Rod­igan, Chan­nel One, Bonobo, Andy C, Nois­ia, Digit­al Mys­tikz and more des­cend­ing on Fort Punta Christo. Pre­pare for bass, dub, DnB, grime, UK afrobeats, hip-hop, jungle, dub­step and bey­ond, between 6th — 10th Septem­ber 2018, all to be heard on the world’s heav­iest sound systems. 
Tick­ets are avail­able from £100, so act now to secure a place at Out­look Fest­iv­al 2018.

Elev­en years deep, Out­look has earned its repu­ta­tion as the world’s lead­ing bass party with the highest cal­ibre of artists. Across four heavy days, impress­ive shows are lined up from the UK’s golden boy; J Hus, the Mer­cury Prize nom­in­ated East Lon­don rap­per whose addict­ive mix of rap and afrobeat has made him a house­hold name. Then there’s ‘Queen of the Dance­hall’ Stef­flon Don, set to impress with her wicked word­play, nat­ur­al fin­esse and bars about female empower­ment and street life. Don’t miss Out­look favour­ite, almighty select­or Dav­id Rod­igan, who’ll bring his blend of jungle, dub, reg­gae and more, along­side Bonobo’s uplift­ing blend of live elec­tron­ica. Man of the moment, Kojey Rad­ic­al cap­tiv­ates with raw, polit­ic­al sounds, plus Chil­dren of Zeus present soul­ful hip-hop.

A sol­id cast of grime and rap tal­ent joins with rap­pers, MC’s, and DJs fly­ing the flag. North-West London’s AJ Tracey brings pure heat to the Out­look stage, with stal­wart and ex Roll Deep mem­ber Killa P. Cam­den mic-murk­ers YGG are set to slay at Out­look ‘18 too. Deep MC’s are a plenty - Lady Leshurr, Jaykae and Kamakaze rep for the Mid­lands with raw and rugged bars, and MCR Dark­side Crew mem­ber, Pres­id­ent T, all join. Rinse FM’s Grand­mixxer jour­neys through his record col­lec­tion — expect stone cold grime clas­sics and more, whilst Trends & Boylan show­case dark, icy instru­ment­als. UK rap has ris­en to the top this year, with the likes of MIST put­ting the scene, and his homet­own of Birm­ing­ham back on the map after a Mobo win and more. Melan­in 9 and Ocean Wis­dom are part of the next wave of rap­pers put­ting a dis­tinct take on UK hip-hop, Out­look wel­comes them along with main­stay acts like Dev­il­man. Altern­at­ive beats come from the won­drous, soul­ful Fatima, hip-hop explorer Open Mike Eagle, Israeli MC Miss Red, and Goth-trad. Bound­ary defy­ing break­outs to check are Ryan De La Cruz, Ezra Col­lect­ive and Lay­full­stop, who fuse jazz and hip-hop influ­ences. Stone’s Throw founder Pea­nut But­ter Wolf, BBZ mem­ber Shy One and eclect­ic select­or Eva Laz­arus lay down selec­tions across the week.

Dub and reg­gae have been at the heart of Out­look from day one, with a strong con­tin­gent of artists old and new on board. Roots-Reg­gae god­fath­er, Jah Shaka, heads up Outlook’s dub offer­ing, a power­ful force since the early 70’s, shap­ing the sound of dub and reg­gae in the UK. Sound-sys­tem kings, Chan­nel One’s trade­mark sys­tem will shake Fort Punta Christo, as well as Leeds born, inter­na­tion­ally rated Ira­tion Step­pas. With a career span­ning forty years as a select­or, cur­at­or and pion­eer the scene, Rod­igan joins — with his son Jam­ie Rod­igan, who fol­lows in his father’s foot­steps play­ing reg­gae, bash­ment, dance­hall and more. Also find pro­to­type Jamaic­an dance­hall sing­er Johnny Clarke & and his full Dub Asante band play­ing. Dub Smug­glers fuse dub and hip-hop, Mr K and Mas­sai War­ri­or from Bris­tol. Danny T & Trades­man provide trop­ic­al dance­hall and reg­gae flavours.

Using only the highest spec of sound sys­tems Out­look Fest­iv­al is a play­ground for audi­o­philes, mak­ing it the ulti­mate place for bass. And there’s plenty of it! Mak­ing a wel­come return is the lead­ing lady of bass explor­a­tions, Madam X, along­side Swamp81 boss­man Loe­fah, and Jubilee who’ll bring hi-energy, col­our­ful club sounds to the table. Rep­ping for Bris­tol are Com­modo, Gantz, and Lamont, as well as long-term Out­look team Ban­dulu boys Kahn and Neek. Sully also joins with ice cold blends of jungle, bass and grime, plus broth­er tag team Vital Tech­niques, cov­er­ing all bases of UK bass, gar­age, and DnB. A worldly take comes from Durb­an hero, DJ Lag.

DnB and jungle heads are well and truly spoilt this year, with plenty of 160BPM+ action across Outlook’s eight stages. The enig­mat­ic Cal­ibre returns to the fort, with RAM Records head honcho, Andy C, and ever-icon­ic Dillinja, Doc Scott and Ran­dall. Playaz co-founder DJ Hype is one of the sem­in­al acts join­ing, with the magic DJ Storm - a long-term legend. Dutch trio, Nois­ia, bring their deep, dark sound to the bill, plus BCee. Exit Records founder, dBridge, returns after a monu­ment­al EXIT stage takeover with label fam­ily, J:Kenzo and FIX­ATE, with Bry­an Gee, founder of icon­ic imprint V Record­ings in tow. Queens of the genre, Kyr­ist and Riya join, vocal­ists and pro­du­cers who’ve had a major imprint on the cir­cuit in recent years. From the Metal­headz exten­ded camp are Len­z­man, DLR, ANT TC1 and Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence, with DJ Marky and DJ Pati­fe adding a South Amer­ic­an fla­vour. DJ Phant­asy, Macky Gee, Storm­in MC, Harry Shotta, Shabba D & MC Skibadee form ulti­mate DnB squad — ‘SaS­a­S­aS.’

Dub­step and gar­age run in the Out­look fam­ily, with a sol­id crew in tow. Game-chan­ging imprint, Deep Medi have an all-star cast — with Digit­al Mys­tikz, formed of Mala & Coki, Silkie, Truth, Kaiju and A/T/O/S storm­ing the fort­ress with bass vibra­tions, upstart Radar Radio duo Sicaria Sound, and Indiji. Dub­step OG’s and Out­look artists since the day dot, Jack Spar­row, Hatcha and Young­sta will make a wel­come return, join­ing the dots between dub­step, gar­age and more. Left-lean­ing dubby explor­a­tions come from Baltimore’s Joe Nice, Djinn, and main­stays Ego­less and N‑Type play. On a more gar­age focussed tip, anthems come from the legendary Silmzee, the long-reign­ing king of UKG who has pion­eered the genre since the pir­ate days. Silmzos Record­ings fam As If Kid also plays, along­side 24 Hour Gar­age Girls. Big bad bass­lines come from Cru­cast tag team - Darkzy, Skep­sis, Notion, Mr Virgo, Bru‑C and Lazcru. There’ll be plenty of MC’s on board to keep the crowd lively too — Tonn Piper, MC Pean, Charlie P, DRS, Crazy D, 2shy and more.


Start­ing pro­ceed­ings on Septem­ber 5th, the icon­ic Open­ing Con­cert returns to Pula’s Amphi­theatre, with Bonobo live, a fully-charged per­form­ance cel­eb­rat­ing Sir Dav­id Rod­igan’s 40 years in the busi­ness by our very own Out­look Orches­tra, plus the god­fath­er Wiley and Chil­dren of Zeus, all per­form­ing in a breath­tak­ing 2,000 year old Roman Ampitheatre.

Set in an aban­doned fort­ress on the Adri­at­ic coast, Out­look Fest­iv­al finds it’s home in one of the most stun­ning set­tings in Croa­tia. One for the music fans, Out­look blurs fest­iv­al bound­ar­ies as vis­it­ors jump from chilling on the beach by day, to  dan­cing deep into the early hours. With high spec sound, the fest­iv­al is an event that prides itself on its deeply rooted appre­ci­ation of sound qual­ity and design. With tick­ets selling fast, cus­tom­ers are advised to pur­chase early with a depos­it scheme also in place for those who wish to attend. To lock in a place at Out­look Fest­iv­al from just £100, head to : outlookfestival.com/tickets/uk/. Much more to be announced.

The closest town, Pula, is eas­ily access­ible by taxi from the Out­look Fest­iv­al site, and is com­plete with excel­lent trans­port links, apart­ment accom­mod­a­tion and his­tor­ic sites. For those wish­ing to camp on-site, or for more inform­a­tion on accom­mod­a­tion options includ­ing boutique camp­ing options, head to outlookfestival.com/accommodation/ to look at what is avail­able. Flight options from the UK are to Trieste, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Venice Tre­viso or Venice Marco-Polo air­ports, and then a trans­fer to the fest­iv­al site. Out­look Fest­iv­al also organ­ise coach pack­ages and flight pack­ages, all avail­able to view / pur­chase at outlookfestival.com/travel/. Keep your eyes on the Out­look chan­nels for fur­ther news, see you at the fort!

24hr Gar­age Girls — 2Shy — A:Grade — A/T/O/S — AJ Tracey — Andy C — Ant TC1 — Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence — As If Kid — BCee — Blazin — Bonobo DJ Set — Bry­an Gee — Bump & Grind — Cal­ibre — Chan­nel One — Charlie P — Chil­dren of Zeus — Com­modo — Crazy D — Cru­cast — Darkzy, Skep­sis, Notion, Mr Virgo, Bru‑C, Lazcru — D.O.K — Danny T — Dav­id Rod­igan — dBridge — Dev­il­man — Digit­al Mys­tikz — Mala & Coki — Dillinja — Dj Lag — DJ Marky — DJ Pati­fe — Djinn — DLR — Doc Scott — DRS — Dub Dig­gerz — Dub Smug­glers — Dub Smug­glers — Ego­less — Eva Laz­arus — Ezra Col­lect­ive — Fatima — Filip Motovun­ski — Fin­wa — Fix­ate — Gantz — Gar­age Girls — Goth-Trad — Grand­mixxer — Hatcha — Hops — Hype — Indiji — Ira­tion Step­pas — J Hus — J:Kenzo — Jack Spar­row — Jah Shaka — Jam­ie Rod­igan — Jaykae — JMan — Joe Nice — Johnny Clarke & Dub Asante band — Jubilee — Juss B — Kahn & Neek — Kaiju — Kamakaze — Killa P — Kojey Rad­ic­al — KSR — Kyr­ist — Lady Leshurr — Lamont — Lay­full­stop — Len­z­man — Loe­fah — Madam X — Manga — Man­tra — Mas­sai War­ri­or — MC AD — MC Pean — Melan­in 9 — Milo — Miss Red — Mist — Mr K — Mungo’s Hifi — N‑Type — Nois­ia — Nom­ine — Ocean Wis­dom — Open Mike Eagle — Orson — Pati­fe — Pea­nut But­ter Wolf — Pres­id­ent T — Ran­dall — Reg­gae Roast — Riya — Roots In Ses­sion —  Ryan De La Cruz — S.P.Y — SAS­A­S­AS — Ser­um — Sev­en — Shy One — Sicaria Sound — Silkie — Slimzee — Stef­flon Don — Sully — Tonn Piper — Trends & Boylan — Truth — Vis­ion­obi — Vital Tech­niques & Pean — YGG — Young­sta — Zero T


Pula Arena, Croa­tia || 5th Septem­ber 2018

Open­ing Con­cert : outlookfestival.com/amphi­theatre

Fest­iv­al Tick­ets : http://www.outlookfestival.com/tickets/

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.