atlastThe smash-hit show, At Last — The Etta James Story, is set return to the UK next Autumn star­ring the sen­sa­tion­al Vika Bull. Hav­ing wowed Brit­ish audi­ences in 2017 as part of an ecstat­ic­ally received short tour, Vika and the phe­nom­en­al Essen­tial R&B Band start a 23 date vis­it, kick­ing off in High Wycombe on Fri­day Septem­ber 21st 2018. Please see full tour dates below.

Fol­low­ing its world première in Mel­bourne in 2013 At Last — The Etta James Story has since repeatedly packed theatres through­out Aus­tralia and New Zea­l­and. In 2016 the show returned to Mel­bourne for a sell-out sea­son at The Arts Centre and July saw the show tri­umph for a third sea­son at The Sydney Opera House.

Telling the story of soul legend Etta James’ tur­bu­lent life and fea­tures some of her most beloved songs includ­ing Tell Mama, Something’s Got A Hold On Me, Sug­ar On The Floor, the heart rend­ing I’d Rather Go Blind, her icon­ic sig­na­ture song At Last and more.

Vika puts her heart and soul into this unfor­get­table show and is joined on stage by some of Australia’s finest and funki­est musicians.

Dur­ing a long and tumul­tu­ous career that saw her win six Grammy Awards and a star on The Hol­ly­wood Walk Of Fame, Etta James has influ­enced a vast array of artists from Diana Ross, Janis Joplin, Stevie Won­der, The Rolling Stones and Rod Stew­art and is acknow­ledged as inspir­ing the careers of a new gen­er­a­tion of sing­ers from Christina Aguilera, Joss Stone, Adele and the late Amy Winehouse.

Sadly, Etta’s frantic record­ing and tour­ing sched­ule coin­cided with her ever-grow­ing addic­tion prob­lems and over time she not only sang the blues…she lived the blues.

Mer­ci­fully, her pas­sion for life and strength of char­ac­ter saw her con­quer her demons and she con­tin­ued to record and per­form into her seventies.

With respect, this is her story. 

Don’t miss re-liv­ing the soul­ful songs of Etta James, chan­nelled through super­star Vika Bull and band, across the UK next spring. Tick­ets go on gen­er­al sale Wed­nes­day 6th Decem­ber 2017.

 For more inform­a­tion vis­it AtLastEttaJames.com

Face­book: @AtLastTheEttaJamesStory



Fri­day 21 Septem­ber                                                         Box Office: 01494 512 000

Wycombe Swan, High Wycombe                                  Web­site: www.wycombeswan.co.uk

Sat­urday 22 Septem­ber                                                  Box Office: 01702 351135

Palace Theatre, Southend                                               Web­site: www.southendtheatres.org.uk

Sunday 23 Septem­ber                                                       Box Office: 023 8061 3989

The Con­corde, East­leigh                                                   Web­site: www.theconcordeclub.com

Tues­day 25 Septem­ber                                                    Box Office: 0844 888 9991

The For­um, Bath                                                                  Web­site: www.bathforum.co.uk

Thursday 27 Septem­ber                                                   Box Office: 029 2087 8444

St David’s Hall, Cardiff                                                       Web­site: www.stdavidshallcardiff.co.uk

Fri­day 28 Septem­ber                                                         Box Office: 01935 422884

Octa­gon Theatre, Yeovil                                                   Web­site:  www.octagon-theatre.co.uk

Sat­urday 29 Septem­ber                                                   Box Office: 01483 369350

G Live, Guild­ford                                                                 Web­site: www.glive.co.uk

Sunday 30 Septem­ber                                                      Box Office: 0844 871 7650

Theatre Roy­al, Brighton                                                    Web­site:www.atgtickets.com/venues/theatre-royal-brighton

Wed­nes­day 03 Octo­ber                                                    Box Office: 023 9264 9000

New Theatre Roy­al, Ports­mouth                                   Web­site: www.newtheatreroyal.com

Thursday 04 Octo­ber                                                         Box Office: 01727 844488

The Alban Arena, St Albans                                             Web­site: www.alban-arena.co.uk

Fri­day 05 Octo­ber                                                               Box Office: 0844 576 3000

Pavil­ion Theatre, Bournemouth                                    Web­site: www.bournemouthpavilion.co.uk

Monday 08 Octo­ber                                                           Box Office: 01604 624811

Roy­al & Derngate, Northamp­ton                                  Web­site: www.royalandderngate.co.uk

Tues­day 09 Octo­ber                                                           Box Office: 0151 709 3789

Roy­al Liv­er­pool Phil­har­mon­ic, Liv­er­pool                    Web­site: www.liverpoolphil.com

Wed­nes­day 10 Octo­ber                                                    Box Office: 0141 353 8000

Roy­al Con­cert Hall, Glas­gow                                           Web­site: www.glasgowconcerthalls.com

Thursday 11 Octo­ber                                                         Box Office: 0131 668 2019

The Queens Hall, Edin­burgh                                           Web­site: www.thequeenshall.net

Sat­urday 13 Octo­ber                                                         Box Office: 0191 443 4661

The Gateshead, Sage                                                        Web­site: www.sagegateshead.com

Sunday 14 Octo­ber                                                             Box Office: : 0161 907 9000

The Bridge­wa­ter Hall, Manchester                              Web­site: www.bridgewater-hall.co.uk

Monday 15 Octo­ber                                                           Box Office: 01298 72190

Bux­ton Opera House, Bux­ton                                         Web­site: www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk

Wed­nes­day 17 Octo­ber                                                    Box Office: 0844 871 3024

        Bar­bican, York                                                                      Web­site: http://www.yorkbarbican.co.uk/

Thursday 18 Octo­ber                                                         Box Office: 0121 780 3333

Town Hall, Birm­ing­ham                                                     Web­site: www.thsh.co.uk

Sat­urday 20 Octo­ber                                                         Box Office: 01223 357851

         Corn Exchange, Cam­bridge                                             Web­site: www.cambridgelivetrust.co.uk/cornex

Monday 22 Octo­ber                                                           Box Office: 020 7730 4500

Cadogan Hall, Lon­don                                                       Web­site: www.cadoganhall.com



The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.