
As prom­ised, the icon­ic US R&B group, Boyz II Men will be return­ing to the UK stage with three con­sec­ut­ive datesThe exclus­ive UK tourwill see the greatest R&B group of all time per­form live on Fri­day 5th April 2019 at the O2 Academy in Birm­ing­hamwith an extra date added on Sat­urday 6th April 2019 at the O2 Apollo in Manchester and the finale night on Sunday 7th April 2019 at the Even­tim Apollo in Ham­mer­smith, Lon­don. 

 Explod­ing onto the scenes in the mid ‘90’s and greatly acknow­ledged as the most com­mer­cially suc­cess­ful R&B group of all time, Nath­an Mor­ris, Shawn Stock­man, Wan­ya Mor­ris and Michael McCary took the world by storm with their soul­ful new jack swing and R&B sound.  

 Stand­ing tall with some of the record break­ing music elites, such as Elvis Pres­ley, The Beatles and Mari­ah Carey, Boyz II Men are the fourth music act ever to have spent 50 cumu­lat­ive weeks at the num­ber one spot in Bill­board his­tory. With over 30 years in the music busi­ness, Boyz II Men have suc­cess­fully won four Grammy Awards, three Bill­board Awards, nine Amer­ic­an Music Awards and Soul Train Awards, a MOBO award for Out­stand­ing Con­tri­bu­tion to Music and a Casino Enter­tain­ment Award for their ongo­ing acclaimed res­id­ency at the Mirage Resort and Casino in Las Vegas; plus, a star on the Hol­ly­wood Walk of Fame and a street named after the group in Phil­adelphia.  

 Releas­ing their plat­in­um selling debut album Cooley­high­har­mony pro­duced by New Edi­tion sing­er Michael Biv­ins in 1991, the new jack swing turned R&B group scored huge suc­cess with four Top 5 singles includ­ing their debut single Motown­philly’, fol­lowed by ‘It’s So Hard To Say Good­bye To Yes­ter­day’, ‘End Of The Road’ and ‘In The Still Of The Night’; 

earn­ing the group inter­na­tion­al suc­cess with over 10 mil­lion records sold.

Their fol­low up R&B influ­enced album titled ‘II’ released in 1994 was widely received, mak­ing it the third best-selling album of 1985 with over 12 mil­lion cop­ies sold in the US only and reach­ing Top 20 in the UK charts. Long chart­ing num­ber one singles such as ‘I’ll Make Love To You’ and ‘On Bended Knee’ con­tin­ued the quar­tet’s world­wide suc­cess with hits ‘Thank You’ and ‘Water Runs Dry’ reach­ing the top 20.

The group’s third stu­dio album ‘Evol­u­tion’, pro­duced by music­al geni­uses Baby­face, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis plus hip hop mogul Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs in 1997, earned the R&B group their third num­ber one selling album with a top 20 pos­i­tion in over 10 coun­tries, selling four mil­lion cop­ies world­wide. The lead single ‘4 Sea­sons of Loneli­ness’ became Boyz II Men’s sixth plat­in­um selling single, with their second single ‘A Song For Mama’ serving as the theme song for the 1997 box office hit film ‘Soul Food’.

Boyz II Men con­tin­ued to pro­duce nine suc­cess­fully selling albums over the next 18 years with records like ‘Nath­an Michael Shawn Wan­ya’, ‘Full Circle’, ‘Throw­back Vol 1’, ‘The Rem­edy’, ‘Motown: A Jour­ney Through Hits­ville USA’, ‘Love’, ‘Twenty’ to their last studio

album ‘Col­lide’’ in 2014; releas­ing pop­u­lar hits through­out such as ‘Pass You By’, ‘Thank You in Advance’, ‘The Col­or of Love’ and ‘Bet­ter Half’.

With over an unpre­ced­en­ted 30 years of pion­eer­ing hits, 12 stu­dio albums, solo suc­cess, plus col­lab­or­at­ing with some of the music industry’s not­able pop and R&B music stars from Mari­ah Carey, Michael Bublé, Patti LaBelle, Baby­face and Charlie Wilson; the legendary trio will return to the UK for the most anti­cip­ated con­cert of 2019.

For tick­ets click here. 

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.