Hemp plants are known for being nutri­ent-rich and have been used for cen­tur­ies in many cul­tures for their many health bene­fits. Using hemp extract in the form of a top­ic­al to treat injur­ies and oth­er extern­al ali­ments is just one way people have benefited from hemp plants through­out history.

In the last dec­ade, there has been a massive shift in west­ern cul­tures, with people becom­ing much more aware of hemp plants and the dif­fer­ent ways that they can be used and benefited from. Hemp top­ic­als to treat pains, inflam­ma­tion, and injur­ies have become com­mon in most phar­ma­cies and are often used as a nat­ur­al rem­edy to treat mild problems.

Hemp is also being increas­ingly used in cos­met­ic and beauty products. Many of the bene­fi­cial com­pounds found in hemp plants are believed to have a pos­it­ive effect on human health, even skin health for cos­met­ic purposes.

Here are some of the most pop­u­lar types of hemp top­ic­als on the mar­ket and their benefits.

Hemp Face Creams

Hemp has become a pop­u­lar addi­tion in face creams, espe­cially in anti-aging creams and those that provide intense hydra­tion. Hemp plants are packed with crit­ic­al min­er­als that the skin needs to main­tain elasti­city and keep the skin look­ing fresh and healthy.

The anti-inflam­mat­ory prop­er­ties of hemp extract also make it a pop­u­lar option for treat­ing skin blem­ishes and red­ness. Evid­ence sug­gests that, when hemp creams are used on prob­lem­at­ic areas of skin reg­u­larly, the fre­quency of reoc­cur­ring skin blem­ishes is sig­ni­fic­antly reduced.

Hemp Body Creams

Hemp body creams cov­er a broad range of products includ­ing hand, foot, and all-over body balms. Just like with face creams, most body creams can be used for beauty and cos­met­ic purposes.

Hemp body creams are a great option when look­ing for intense mois­ture and they can help to revital­ize and heal dry and pain­ful areas of the skin. Body creams can also be used for medi­cin­al reas­ons sup­port­ing to treat sur­face-level aches and pains.

Hemp Hair Care

Hair­care products that con­tain hemp are a rel­at­ively new addi­tion to the hemp mar­ket. Just like with skin­care products, hemp sham­poo, con­di­tion­ers, and masks are primar­ily mar­keted towards those with dam­aged and dry hair.

Hemp plants con­tain a num­ber of min­er­als that are known to hydrate and pro­mote the regen­er­a­tion of cells. When used in hair care products, hemp extract is able to improve both the health and appear­ance of dry and dam­aged hair.

Switch­ing to a hemp sham­poo and con­di­tion­er can help to reduce the dam­age caused to hair by sun­light and daily life. For dehyd­rated and dam­aged hair, hemp hair masks provide an extra lay­er of hydra­tion and help pack the hair with the nutri­ents stripped away over time.

Hemp Sprays

Hemp sprays provide a quick and effect­ive way to apply a small amount of hemp oil to the skin to help treat mild cases of inflam­ma­tion and pain. The main bene­fit of hemp sprays over creams is that they are much light­er and there­fore do not leave the skin feel­ing tacky as creams some­times can.

Hemp sprays work quickly as they are applied dir­ectly to pain­ful or inflamed areas mak­ing them ideal for provid­ing pain relief when it is needed most. Altern­at­ively, hemp sprays can be used reg­u­larly as part of a skin­care routine for a small dose of hemp to treat long-term conditions.

Hemp Cleansers and Scrubs

The rise in the use of hemp products has seen many beauty brands expand their range to include products that con­tain hemp extract or oil. Hemp-infused cleansers and facial scrubs are one of the many ways that these brands are adding hemp products to their product lines.

Hemp scrubs and cleansers are a great way to incor­por­ate the bene­fits of hemp plants into even the simplest of beauty routines. Scrubs are designed to be used in place of a person’s reg­u­lar scrub or cleanser and provide the same deep level of clean­ing along with the bene­fits of hemp extract.

Hemp Nail Care Products

Hemp extract has become a com­mon ingredi­ent in many nail balms and nail care products. The addi­tion of hemp extract is thought to provide the nails with essen­tial nutri­ents that can strengthen nails and help them appear longer and healthier.

Hemp nail products include balms and creams designed to be used reg­u­larly, in a sim­il­ar way to hand creams, and hemp var­nish removers provid­ing a small dose of hemp with each use. Hemp nail creams can be paired with hemp hand creams to enhance effects and provide deep levels of hydration.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.