Rich Mix and Hox­ton Hall 7 – 22nd Novem­ber, £10, £12, £15


Cir­cus Cir­cus Cir­cus is a fest­iv­al of live art, spoken word, jazz, opera and of course, cir­cus this Novem­ber. Pro­duced by Cer­tain Blacks who have presen­ted fest­ivals and events in Lon­don over the past five years, diverse per­form­ance and music is pro­grammed as a cre­at­ive voice, encom­passing mul­tiple genres and artists who genu­inely have some­thing unusu­al and often col­lab­or­at­ive to offer.

Cir­cus Cir­cus Cir­cus fea­tures live artist Bri­an Lobel, Jazz maes­tro Row­land Suth­er­land, Hip Hop theatre and voice artists Muti Musafiri and Marv Radio, theatre maker and artist Jamal Hare­wood, Upswing Aer­i­al Cir­cus and more. Artists developed the cir­cus per­form­ance dur­ing a res­id­ency at 101 Cre­ation Space situ­ated at Green­ham Com­mon, the former USAF base now ded­ic­ated to arts development.

Per­form­ances take place at Rich Mix, home of pre­vi­ous Cer­tain Blacks fest­ivals and London’s his­tor­ic Hox­ton Hall.

Cir­cus Cir­cus Cir­cus fea­tures artists that make work out­side of the realms of the norm. The cir­cus is more than a form of per­form­ance, it’s a way of chal­len­ging what can be done. This fest­iv­al includes hip hop artists per­form­ing cir­cus, opera sing­ers as nev­er seen before and music which breaks bound­ar­ies to provide two weeks of events that you may not find under a big top” 

Clive Lyttle, Artist­ic Dir­ect­or – Cer­tain Blacks

The fest­iv­al will also part­ner with Upswing Aer­i­al Cir­cus, the com­pany formed by Vic­tor­ia Ame­dume. Upswing presents a mixed bill finale of new work from Symoné, Joana Dias and Out Of Order amongst oth­er artists.

 Pro­gramme :

 Thursday 7th Novem­ber at Rich Mix, 7.30 Hip Hop Palace — True val­ues of Hip Hop are all too often, hijacked by con­sumer cul­ture, becom­ing syn­onym­ous with bling life­style and con­nota­tions detract­ing from core Hip Hop art forms. This multi-faceted per­form­ance night cel­eb­rates the empower­ment of minor­it­ies, unity and col­lect­ive fun with clas­sic ele­ments includ­ing dance, beat­box­ing & spoken word. Join dance artist Muti Musafiri and beat­box­er, sound artist and theatre maker Marv Radio for this one-off night of Hip Hop innov­a­tion. Rich Mix, 35–47 Beth­nal Green Rd, Shored­itch, Lon­don E1 6LA richmix.org.uk £10/12

Fri­day 8th Novem­ber at Rich Mix, 8pm Bri­an Lobel24 Itali­an Arias Live artist, theatre maker and writer Bri­an Lobel brings 24 Itali­an Songs and Arias to Cir­cus Cir­cus Cir­cus look­ing at fail­ure, loss and fam­ily — A recit­al, an opera, a gath­er­ing for (and by), those whose best isn’t always enough. Fea­tur­ing sop­rano Gwyneth-Ann Rand (4.48 Psy­chos­is: Roy­al Opera House, Aida: Eng­lish Nation­al Opera) who failed to win at Cardiff Sing­er of the World, 24 Itali­an Arias also failed to win the Oxford Samuel Beck­ett Theatre Trust Award hence the explor­a­tion of this theme. The night cel­eb­rates world class opera per­formers and the power of the voice via live arias, so close, you could almost touch them. Rich Mix, 35–47 Beth­nal Green Rd, Shored­itch, Lon­don E1 6LA  richmix.org.uk £12/£15

Sat­urday 9th Novem­ber at Rich Mix, 8.00pm  — Row­land Suth­er­land and Lon­don Art Col­lect­ive — DJ Marv Radio – Esteemed jazz flaut­ist, music­al arranger and com­poser Roland Suth­er­land presents the Lon­don Art Col­lect­ive, his sig­na­ture pro­ject focus­ing on spa­tial, galactic and spir­itu­al jazz. Draw­ing influ­ence from the influ­en­cers such as Sun Ra, McCoy Tyn­er, Alice Col­trane and Joe Hende­r­son, this is a rare oppor­tun­ity to enjoy Sutherland’s ver­sat­il­ity and com­pos­i­tions in an intim­ate space. Play­ers with­in Lon­don Art Col­lect­ive include Row­land Suth­er­landOrphy Robin­son, Pat Thomas, Rachel Mus­son, Ansu­man Biswas, Alec Dank­worth and Mark Sanders amongst oth­ers. Rich Mix, 35–47 Beth­nal Green Rd, Shored­itch, Lon­don E1 6LA richmix.org.uk £12/£15

Thursday 21st Novem­ber at Rich Mix, 7.30 – Jamal Hare­wood - Word — Jamal Hare­wood is an artist who cre­ates tem­por­ary com­munit­ies through audi­ence-led par­ti­cip­at­ory events that focus on ideas of iden­tity and race – Word explores our every­day use of lan­guage both con­scious and uncon­scious.  Hav­ing gradu­ated from the Uni­ver­sity of Chichester with an MA in Per­form­ance (Theatre), Jamal is now an Asso­ci­ate Artist at Cam­den People’s Theatre. Rich Mix, 35–47 Beth­nal Green Rd, Shored­itch, Lon­don E1 6LA richmix.org.uk £12/£15

Fri­day 22 Novem­ber at Hox­ton Hall, 7.30 — Cir­cus Cir­cus Cir­cusArtist show­case — The festival’s finale sees cir­cus per­form­ance cre­ated with fest­iv­al part­ner Vic­tor­ia Ame­dume of Upswing Aer­i­al Cir­cus. This night of new work util­ises Hox­ton Hall’s atmo­spher­ic space and includes Out of Order, Symoné and Joana Dias and more to provide an even­ing of cir­cus bey­ond the norm. Expect roller skates, Chinese pole work and feats via aer­i­al silks woven into stor­ies of birth, race, gender and the cab­aret at the end of the world.  Hox­ton Hall, 130 Hox­ton St, Lon­don N1 6SH  www.hoxtonhall.co.uk £12/15


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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.