Earlii_Red Offers a Plethora of Opportunities for...
Earlii_Red Pro­mo­tions is a thriv­ing Inde­pend­ent Com­pany based out of New Jer­sey.  Earlii_Red who is...
Cuban Pete’s “The Devil is Dope” Official...
Seasoned artist from the Mid­lands and mak­ing head­lines in the states, Cuban Pete releases new single...
Recording Artist Stakz Devtio Releases “Audible...
Ori­gin­ally from Addis­on, Illinois Sal­vatore Orest­ano recalls his life as a hust­ler early on in his
Sos Bishop Freestyles Over “Recognize” by DJ...
Bronx nat­ive and Hip Hop artist Sos Bish­op free­styles over “Recog­nize” instru­ment­al by DJ Premi­er...
OneMike Releases New Video For Latest Single...
OneMike, Own­er and Founder of Black Hoody Enter­prizes and Hip Hop artist, releases his latest single...
“How We Like It (The Take Off!)” Featuring...
New School Inc. presents “How We Like It” (The Take Off!) pro­duced by Mr. Adassa (Tha
Notorious Rockboy Gz Release New Single “Gz...
When it comes to music Rock­boy Gz is pound for pound a knock­out group.  When it
Mercy Gang Emancipates Hip Hop With Their Latest...
MJ here your favor­ite Hip Hop blog­ger!  Tonight it is more than a pleas­ure, it is
Bronx Native Alonzo Fury Releases His...
“I got kicked out in the cold but still weathered the storm…” ‑Alonzo Fury Alonzo Fury,
Cashrac Releases Hit New Single “Strength”...
Newark, NJ rap­per of Haitian des­cent, Cashrac is cre­at­ing music not only to make a mark
MJ Gets to Know Cuban Pete, England’s Famed...
MJ here, your favor­ite Hip Hop Blog­ger! Tonight we will get to know England’s well-known and
Tuff Kong Records Signs Long Island’s Renowned...
Tuff Kong Records has just announced an album deal with Long Island’s well-known and famed artist